Chapter 26 - Wittle Puppy's and Executions!

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Written April 13th, 2024

- Next Day -

This mornings classes have been hectic.. Izuku came up to me and asked me where I was this morning, since I usually eat my cereal downstairs with everyone and watch the morning news. I just skirted around the question like a boss and quickly went to class.. I was expecting Aizawa to announce Present Mic's passing, or for him to take a day off to grieve.. But he did neither, he just announced some things and laid in his sleeping bag snuggled in the corner of the room.

I've been waiting for a message from Hawks about me getting my official license. But I've got nothing so far.. it either must take some time or he hasn't done it.. but now it's lunch time, and after lunch will be the Hero Course then English..

I'm sitting down peacefully alone at the lunch table I hum out to myself, biting into my burger with a happy hum. Even though I eat this every day, it still tickles my brain with dopamine. I expect Shinshou to come and sit down with be but Bakugo beats him to it and sits down beside me with a huff, setting down his tray. "Oh, hey Kat. Haven't seen you around except class." Has he been avoiding me? Or was it because he got disciplined when he fought Zuku? Was he just busy with the punishment? Before he can reply the other members of the Baku-squad sit down around me with friendly smiles.

"Hey guys." They all hum back with smiles before digging in.

"I knocked on your door..." He grumbles out in displeasure, eating his food with chopsticks. "You didn't answer me." He grumbles out, staring at me with intense eyes. Oh shit. Must have been when I was making the bunker..

"Oh, yeah I moved out of the dorms to my own place." I say nonchalantly while shrugging and bite into my mozzarella stick, slurping up the delicious juice. Bakugo freezes beside me with wide eyes, heart pounding in his ears. 'Moved? Moved away from him? Was it because of the fight? Because he didn't kill that shitty Deku??? Does she not see him as strong enough to be with her-' his spiraling thoughts are cut off by Mina.

"What?! Girl, No way!" Mina says with wide eyes filled with surprise. "How could you afford it? You got a sugar daddy or something???"

"No sugar Daddy's sadly. But! I've got a side hustle that I do for cash that's going along well, and I made a deal with someone who lets me live on their land for free. As long as I take good l care of it while I live there." I shrug my shoulders, giving them a loose explanation. Not wanting the yandere sitting next to me to try and find my base. Not like he could get to it anyways, I pulled a Minecraft PVP and made it deep underground in the middle of nowhere. With no access to it other then teleportation. You have to know it's there or else you're digging around blind.

"You gotta show us!" Kirishima says with a sharky grin, Bakugo turns to look at me. Needing to see where I moved to. He needs to know if it's good enough for me, if not he'll pull some strings with his parents and help me get a better place.

"Eh.. I guess I can." I'll portal them in as X and do a safety scan afterwards for any tracking items... I should really make a signal scrambler as Grey Matter and other defenses.. holy shit what if I make an AI helper? I CAN NAME IT GRANPA MAX!!!

"Why did you move out?" Bakugo asks me with a completely calm voice which sends a shiver up everyone's spines. Never seeing the hot head this calm before.

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