Chapter 23 - 🔞 Brainwashed 🍋

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Written: April 3rd, 2024

🔞 Portion: Shinshou

- Next Day - School -

Everything is pretty much back to normal now. Everyone is back from their work studies and we're all sitting in class. In about a week is Halloween, and I am EXCITED as fuck. I plan on doing a normal costume, instead of doing a character from my world. I wanted to dress up as Alaster or Angel Dust from Hazbin Hotel.. But I changed my mind and decided to dress up as principal Nezu. I'm talking full blown fursuit. I'm gonna sneak off later and make it as Alien X, since it's so much easier for my mind to translate things from my imagination to reality.

I also plan on doing a 'face reveal' for Peepo. I'm gonna make a frog mask for it as Alien X as well and pull a masked singer and mask my voice with a voice changer. People have a lot of trouble distinguishing a singing voice from a normal one when they don't know who it is.

The bell rings signaling that class is over, snapping me out of my train of thought. I sigh with relief and move to get up to leave, only to be interrupted by Present Mic. "Grayson, stay after class please?" He says while adjusting his glasses, I raise a brow at this in confusion. All of the others look at me, wondering what I did. Shinshou squints at this, turning to look at our teacher. Izuku, Bakugo and Todoroki look at me before leaving reluctantly.

Grumbling under my breath, I grab all my shit and shove it in my bag while watching as the last student leaves. Present Mic closes the door behind them, I simply lean against his desk. Wondering what he could possibly want.

He strides over to me and stands in front of me. He then proceeds to box me in with his body, making me very uneasy and uncomfortable. "Um.. Present-" I try to speak but he interrupts me.

"Hizashi.." he says with a small creepy smile. I ain't calling you that during school hours sir.

"Present Mic sir, what is this about..?" I ask him with a slight glare, he grits his teeth. Displeased that I didn't listen to him, wanting to get close to me, even if it's just a first name basis.

"You and me, tonight. I wanna take you out to dinner." He smirks at me playfully, I grimace mentally at him in disgust.

"No thank you, I already have pl-" I gotta make my fursuit.

He scowls at my blatant rejection. "You wouldn't want your classmates to find out you fucked your homeroom teacher like a little slut, do you?" His glasses darken while he looks at me, unable to see his eyes. THE FUCK?

"Are you trying to blackmail me?!" I say with a growl and glare. Oh he's about to catch some mother fucking HANDS!

"I heard you and Shota the other night.. going at it like fucking rabbits. Why would you choose him over me?" Hizashi glares at me, his brows furrowing. Not at all pleased. He thought I denied him because I was a virgin, he was clearly surprised when he heard me moaning his best friends name through his wall after he was done masturbating to thoughts of me.

"What the fuck-" I sputter out with a glare.

He leans himself in closer, moving his hand to hold my face still. My eyes widen at this, I reach my hand down to my watch. Only for him to snatch it and hold it away from me. "You, are going to be a good girl and listen. You and I are going on a date tonight wether you like it or n-"

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