Chapter 19 - 🔞 Interview 🍋

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Written March 12, 2024

🔞 Portion: Dabi

- Next Day -

Laying in my bed holding my phone to my ear, I nervously bite my lip as the phone rings.. and he picks up. My heart rate skyrockets from pure nervousness. "H-Hello? Is this Endeavor? Todoroki Enji?" I speak into my phone.

"Who is this and how did you get this number?" An angry aggressive voice speaks from the other side.

"This is Grayson Amanda sir, hero name Omnitrix? I go to school with your son, I'm in his class?" I sputter softly filled with nerves.

"Oh, the monster girl.. You won the sports festival." He says with recognition. THANK GOD.

"Yes sir that's me!" I smile happily, thanking god that he knows who I am.

"Why did you call me Grayson?" He grumbles out.

"Well sir, UA's hero work studies are coming up.. and I wanted to ask you to possibly teach me? I have three transformations I can do that are fire oriented, I want to be able to use them to their full effectiveness." FOR THE LOVE OF GOD AGREE!!!

"Hm.." Endeavor hums on the other end of the line. "I see great potential in you Grayson.. I'll get in contact with UA and let them know I'm taking you under my wing. Everything will be provided, simply come to the agency first thing when the studies begin."

"Thank you so much Mr. End-" I grin wide with excitement.

"Call me Enji." My eyes widen at this, doing a mental spit take. HUH?????

"O-Okay, thank you Mr. Enji! Have a wonderful day!" He grunts in confirmation and hangs up the line. I leap out of my bed and cheer loudly, doing a little happy dance. PARTY ROCKERS IN THE HOUSE TONI-

I hear a knock comes to my door, which makes me slightly confused. I look over to my clock that reads 8:00pm. Who in the fuck? It's honk shoo honk shoo mi mi mi hours. Setting down my phone my desk, I walk over to the door. Opening it I peak out see Present Mic standing there out of costume. The fuck? What's he's doing here?

"Hey! My little listener!" He smiles at me.

"Oh! Hello Mic Sensei!" I say nervously, wondering what on gods green earth he could possibly want.

"Call me Hizashi, I'm off work.. I uh, came to ask you about something. Can I come in?" He gestures to inside my room, I nod and step aside allowing him to enter. His eyes look around my room quickly, locking onto my computer and tiny instruments he smirks. "I knew it."

"Huh? What was that Hizashi?" Closing the door I turn to look at him, dressed in my jammies that consist of a t-shirt and shorts.

"Are you that new artist that's going around? Peepo?" He raises a brow to me, turning to give me his full attention. How the fuck? How did he figure me out? God dammit. It was fucking Shota, he must have snitched after Mic mentioned it when we moved in.

My eyes widen in fear. "U-uh.. no...?" GASLIGHT, GATEKEEP, GIRLBOSS.

"You're not in any kind of trouble Amanda." He assures me with a kind smile, resting his hands in his pockets. I immediately crumple under the pressure.

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