CH 4 : Rival

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"Drop what you're holding and turn around" The threat was coming from none other than Liam who was staying in this very cabin . A Sneasels claw was pointed at my neck I could feel the sharp edge on my skin.

"I help you out and this is how you repay me??"

"Listen Liam"

"Shut up traitor" I sighed as he closed the door behind him.

"Guess there's no choice"

I raised my hands halfway and waited till sneasels guard was down then I did something random. I kicked Sneasel square in the face sending the ice type sliding backwards into the coffee table.

Y/n used low kick, it's super effective

"What hell man, did you just kick a pokemon??"

"Well duh fighting type's strong against ice'' I jumped back and let Zeezee come to my aid. I reached into my bag and grabbed a small picnic blanket .

Liam scowled and Sneasel took an attack stance.

"Use ice shard"

"Zeezee dodge and use dark pulse"

Zeezee bounced of the walls blasting Sneasel in the face. Liam took this opportunity and ran straight at me.

"So you wanna play dirty huh!!!"

I easily handled this and threw the picnic blanket at his face covering it completely. Then I leapt forward and grabbed him in a bear hug and squeezed him as tight as I could. I brought him closer before lifting him up and slamming him onto the ground.


Liams body went numb and he collapsed to the floor Sneasel tried to attack but Zeezee knocked her down and finished the fight.

"Great now we can add assault to our list of crimes"

Sighing I grabbed Liams key and locked the door. I tied him up with the picnic blanket and I caught a glimpse of his trainer ID

 I tied him up with the picnic blanket and I caught a glimpse of his trainer ID

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"Huh Silver ?? I thought you're name was Liam "

Silver slowly woke up his head was definitely sore but he mustered a sentence.

"Do you work for team Rocket?" 

I snickered "of course not they literally jumped me this morning or rather I jumped them but anyways"

"Then why did you come here ?" He asked while trying to squeeze out of the ropes. "Well I need your help getting a doctor for slowpoke" I said rolling Slowpokes pokeball at him.

"Let me guess team rockets doing" I nodded. "Well good thing were on the same side, I can keep you here and get you to a hospital if you let me go" I grinned "I'm not dumb ,what's the catch ?"

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