CH 37 : Mind

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Y/n stared into the blackness surrounding him "Man I really hope I'm dead this time" His head began to throb and his eyes rang a high pitched screech. He slowly opened his eyes and much to his disappointment he was still alive. Gyarados and Gliscor and tunneled into the floor successfully dulling the blast but Shuppet and Y/n couldn't escape the fire Y/n glanced around desperately looking for his pokemon until he looked down most of his body was wrapped in a black material including his face and neck.

The hairs on his neck stood up and his body was covered in a cold sweat. "Shuppet?" muttered Y/n as the the cloth unwrapped his body . Y/n froze in fear as the black cloth slowly stopped moving. Tears formed in his eyes as he held the warm cloth "I'm sorry Shuppet I failed you" Y/n clutched the remains of Shuppet until it grew colder and colder before finally laying it on the floor. He clasped his hands together and whispered a prayer "Thank you for everything ,for keeping me company and for saving my life"

Y/n lifted shuppet in his arms the room was still smouldering although Silvers attack had snuffed out most of the fire.

Y/n felt a lump form in his throat as he walked down towards the first floor to collect his thoughts. He sent out all of his pokemon 2 of which were badly injured. He layed Shuppets cloth on the floor. "This may very well be the outcome of all of us of we keep fighting I want every one of you to know that I hold nothing against you of you choose to leave me just know that I can't promise your safety if you stay"

A deafening silence fell around the group as each pokemon swapped looks of fear and confusion. Pelipper knelt its head before Y/n ,a look of shame and fear was plastered on its face. Y/n smiled and nuzzled its feathers

Y/n held out Pelippers pokeball "It was fun having you" with a quick twist he broke the pokeball setting Pelipper free. The pokemon took one last look at its trainer before flying out the Palace. Y/n turned to his team "Thank you all for your decision"

Gliscor, Zeezee(Zoroark), Heracross,Gyarados and Jolteon all nodded in unison. Suddenly the doors swung open and Silver walked in he took a glance at the sight and immediately understood. "My condolences Y/n"  Y/n shook his head "We can't waste time mourning our friend we need to regroup before Neer leaves"

 "I agree came a voice" The pair turned to see Colress and Nora. "I take it the explosion and the flood was your guys' doing" the boys nodded earning a sigh from Colress "While I'm sure it was necessary this does make things more complex" Nora glanced at Y/n his hands were shaking and his eyes darted every few seconds his anxiety and anger began to spike causing him to sweat and twitch violently.

"Are you okay?" she asked placing a hand on his shoulder. Y/n nodded whilst facing a different direction. "So what's our plan?" asked Silver. 

"First things first" said Nora pointing to the floor. A large hump appeared under the carpeted floor.Suddenly a head popped out from the ground "Geodude?" exclaimed Silver as the pokemon tore through the ground opening the way for its trainer.

"I hope I'm not too late" smirked Roark. Y/n breathed a sigh of relief as he helped the Gym leader up behind him was Rowan who was carrying  Steven Stones limp body. Nora grinned "Looks like my plan worked'' 

"Yup, when you told me to hang back and wait underground I wasn't sure why but now I'm grateful I listened"

"Is he gonna be okay?" asked y/n 

"I was able you pull him under through some of Berthas tunnels but he hit his head pretty hard from the force of the explosion" 

How many people will be hurt before someone puts that bastard down. I swear if he makes it off this mountain alive I'll burn this region to ash to find him.

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