CH 49 : Rival part 2

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Y/n faced off against the infamous Silver both trainers had collected all 8 badges from their respective regions and had proven themselves as powerful trainers.

"A few months ago I had no idea who you were and yet our journeys were intertwined so closely"  said Y/n gleefully.

"It was an honor taking this journey with you but enough sweet talk time for battle" The trainers sent out their first pokemon. Gyarados stared down Gengar

"Gengar use shadow ball!" Gengar fired a ball of black smoke at its opponent but surprisingly Gyarados shook it off like nothing.

"Dark pulse" 

Silver scowled and rolled his eyes as Gyarados launched a powerful Dark pulse at Gengar landing a direct hit. The smoke cleared and Gyarados began to transform into Zeezee

 The smoke cleared and Gyarados began to transform into Zeezee

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"Nice trick too bad it only works once"

Y/n grinned and looked at Silver dead in the eyes before returning Zeezee. Silver looked surprised for a second.

 Silver scoffed "Giving up your advantage for what?"

He couldn't have predicted what I was going to do

"Destiny bond" replied Y/n arrogantly easily predicting his opponents next move. "Am I right?" Silver smirked "Lucky guess" Y/n then sent out Jolteon.

"Gengar use toxic" Gengar spat a steaming venom at Jolteon poisoning it "Use thunderbolt" Jolteon fought through the pain firing off a thunderbolt finishing off Gengar. Y/n didn't ease up despite taking the lead. 

I know what he did, he poisoned Jolteon because he's my best counter to his monster Feraligatr. Smart move kid

Silver sent out Alakazam and Y/n bit his lip switching out his pokemon into Heracross.

We can't outspeed this thing even if our moves can do enough damage to one shot  we have to live the first hit

"Use psychic" Alakazam waved its spoons releasing a powerful wave of psychic energy

"Heracross brace for Impact" shouted Y/n Hera dug into the sand holding out against the pain. "Now use megahorn!" commanded Y/n. Pushing against the attack Hera fly straight toward Alakazam ramming its horn into its head. The psychic attack stopped and Alakazam fell to the ground finally Y/n relaxed slightly. Silver sighed and returned his pokemon 

"Don't get ahead of yourself Y/n sometimes sacrifice is the clearest path to victory" Y/n smirked holding up his hands in a 2-0 sign. Silver scoffed and sent out Weavile "Let's get serious

"Heracross vacuum wave !"

"Weavile ice shard"

Both pokemon charged at each other with tremendous speed yet weaviles attack made impact first knocking Heracross down. Y/n thought for a moment

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