Kyoshi Warriors

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Y/n POV:

We were all tied up. but soon someone pulled off our blindfulldes. And we saw a team of women with makeup for some reason it looked familiar. Maybe I read about them somewhere? Sokka looked confuesed.

"Who are you where are the men that captured us?" Sokka asked.

"There were no 'men' we captured you." One girl said. she seemed important

"Now what are you doing on Kyoshi Island? we have stayed out of the war so far and would like to keep it that way." said an elderly man.

"we're not here to cause harm!" I exclaimed.

"how can we be sure?" the girl asked.

"Aang, show them your airbending." Sokka whispered. 

"great idea!" Aang cheered then jumped out of the rope with air bending The people gasped.

"it's the avatar." they started cheering. Aang pulled out his marbles and spun them.

"Check this out!" He chirped and the people were amazed. soon the rest of us were cut free and they led us through the villiage to where we could stay.

"so what's your name?" I asked the lead girl.

"i'm suki of the kyoshi warriors." The girl explanned.

"Nice to meet you I'm Y/n Aang's big sister." I told her.

"You're his big sister?" Suki asked.

"Yep." I said. soon we arrived. and they gave us some really good food.

"AWESOME!! desert for breakfast!" Aang chirped.  before digging in. i ate here and there but I was mostly just thinking about my 'fire bending' it still didn't feel like mine.

"Aang you shouldn't get too comfortable. you know we can't stay in one place too long." Katara warned.

"Oh c'mon Katara, It's great here!" Aang cheered

"It is pretty nice here." I confirmed.

"Ok just don't let this attention get to your heads." Katara said. i contineud eating than realized.

"heads? Are you implying i'd Get a big head!" I exclaimded.

"you are his big sister." Katara pointed out.

"whatever I'm off to train." I said walking out.

"Train? But Y/n-" Aang begain but i already closed the door behind me. Sokka said he would train maybe he wouldn't mind sparring.

I looked all over the village outskirts thinking he'd be in the woods. I grumbled than noticed a small structure that looked really old. 

"Sokka you there?" I asked while entering inside the sahck was a lot of- no it can't be... this is Earth kingdom! sorta. 

"This is everything someone would need to firebend!" I looked around seeing Books, scrowls and many candles. there weren't any fire nation symbols. I noticed a chair and decided

"hey I said i'd train why not with my fire." I sat down and beagn to read I know Sokka said Not to let anyone know about my new bending but ya never know. the first few times only air came out. than i started thinking about Him

"How did Zuko make it look so easy?" I compalined My rage swelled within me. and I did it Fire emerged from my fist.

"Yes!" i cheered. I can't belive it it's true! I can fire bend!

"You can fire bend?" I heard a voice behind me.  I quickly turned and saw Suki.

"soki it's not what it looks like!! i'm not from the fire nation!" I said a small panic rose in me.

"You're the one they spoke of." Suki said then i noticed it wasn't fear in her but hope??

"what do you mean?" I asked. Suki looked around and pulled out a book from a shelf.

"avatar kyoshi once foretold you. she said that there would be an avatar who couldn't do it alone so one day there'll be a great team one of water one of earth one of nothing, one of fire and one of hope and dream." Suki started.

"Hope and dream?" I asked.

"yes that person, would have a bending for their hope and another one that reflects their dream." Suki clerified.

"so My fire represents my dream?" I asked.

"Yes now you and your friends need to always be their fir Aang." Suki told me.

"Like I'd ever leave my brother. wait who's the one of earth and one of fire?" I asked.

"That's unkown, You and the others will find them though." Suki reasured me.

"thanks for telling me. but can we train together?" I asked. she nods soon outside the house we start tarining together I blast air to her she blocks with her fans. we fight for a while before we here yelling.

"The villiage is under atacke!" Suki yelled I pulled out my staff and fly us to the villiage. That's when is see him.

"COME OUT AVATAR!!" Zuko yelled.

I got amd and soon fell from the sky. suki landed gracfully meanwhile I fell onto a house. I stood up and tryed to air blast him but fire came out. at this point i should get used to it.

"you!" Zuko exclaimed.

"Me." I said flatly I Hoped off the roof landing better this time.

"where's the avatar?" Zuko demanded.

"Why would I tell you?" I asked. i could tell Zuko was getting more mad by the second.

"I don't want to hurt you. but I will if i must." Zuko told me. I rolled my eyes.

"I won't betray my brother!" I exclaimed. Zuko's men surronded me.

"you might want to reconsider Y/n." Zuko told me.  I looked over to the side and saw Aang coming in hot.

"I'll keep my anwser, thanks." I said. and Aang Distarcted them on Appa.

"It's the Avatar get him!" Zuko yelled I pulled out my staff and tried to fly but I stumbled to the ground. Aang flew down and Used that sea monster to Wash out the fire?? I guess I missed something.

"WOOO GO AANG!" I cheered but Zuko grabbed me in a head lock. Aang noticed.

"wait!" Aang yelled. "let Y/n go." He asked. Aang was being too kind. I struggled trying to get out of his strong grip.

"The only reason I'd let her ho is if you both come with me." ZUko ordered. Aang looked shocked I was too but I didn't show it. Aang was abot to speak but I knew what he'd say

"Aang if you Dare Hand youself over I personally swear to get back at you through your next life." I Yelled.

"Be quiet!" Zuko yelled at me.

"Aang GET OUT!!" I yelled and sent Air flying at him up to Appa. I sighed of relief. "i'm so glad that worked." I whispered. I saw Appa flying away. I knew Katara would Not let Aang die so I felt good about that. I'm fine being a prisanor.

that victor was short lived as Zuko Knocked me out.

1069 words 

see ya!!

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