the fortune teller

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Y/n POV:

I woke up in a lot of bandages. I slowly lifted my head up and noticed myself on Appa's back. Everyone was walking. The last thing I remember was being with Zuko and Aang, they argued before I passed out. now that I think about it I pass out a lot.

"Y/n your awake!" Aang cheered.

"Oh you're awake nice to see you." Katara said cheerfully.

"How long have I been out?" I asked. I tried to sit up but it was too painful so I fell back down on Appa's back.

"About a day." Sokka told me. The wind told me they felt bad for me, and that baffled me.

"Ok but why are you being so nice to me? Last time we talked you guys seemed to hate me!" I was suspicious of them.

"That was before Aang filled us in..." Katara said shamefully.

"Yeah about how Zuko has a crush on you and was trying to keep you locked away." Sokka said. I was truly baffled, what on earth did Aang tell them! 

"Don't worry though well keep you safe." Katara attempted comforted me. but I didn't need to be comforted. Aang better have a good reason for this!

"Ya know that's not tr-" I started

"Y/n guess what! We're going to see a fortune teller!" Aang interrupted.

"We're what?" I asked.

"we're going to see a fortune teller!" Aang confirmed.

"ok, but why?" I asked. I didn't want anyone to know my future. Heck I don't want to know my own future!

"oh c'mon it seems fun!" Katara encouraged. I could pick up Aang was crushing on Katara, so I sighed.

"sure." I said nervously. Based on everything that's happened maybe my future will be too complicated to read correctly! we walked into the village The wound I had from that arrow was still healing so it was kinda hard to move quickly.

we walked through the village until someone with grey hair and formal clothes stopped us.

"Aunt Wu has been expecting you." he told us he walked us to her fortune telling building. we sat down on some pads the issue was there were only three. soon someone came by and said her name was meng she was clearly into Aang. after a brief conversation she left to get snacks. then an elderly woman came in, this was Aunt Wu.

"who's first?" Aunt Wu asked. Sokka looked uninterested Aang looked to Katara, who looked at me.

"Y/n how about you?" Katara asked. the wind told me that Sokka and Katara were trying to make up for their meanness to me in the past. I sighed.

"fine..." i said then Aunt Wu led me to a room with way too many scented candles.

"alright I'm going to give you a palm reading." She told me. I stuck out my hand I was worried she'd see something bad.

"oh, surprising." She said. as she examined my hand.

"what? what's surprising?" I asked .my interest peaked, I knew it was good from her expression.

"you have a past of trauma but you've met someone with a deep pain pain, someone who wants to protect everyone. that person is who you will merry" Aunt Wu said but then her face went dark. I looked at her skeptically I could tell she was referring to Zuko. but what's with this expression?

"you will have a battle where you'll decide the fate of everyone!" she warned.

"I think you're confused, I'm just the avatar's sister!" I told her.

"yes but your choices will deeply affect him." Aunt Wu told me. I looked down for a moment taking in what she said...

once I left the room Katara went in. she was the most excited out of all of us. Aang left to use 'the bathroom'. I hope spying on Katara ends well. Sokka and I just sat there for a bit. it was pretty awkward.

"Sooo what'd I miss since last time I saw you guys?" I asked trying to break the silence.

"We helped two warring tribes cross through a canyon." Sokka shrugged. "right now we're still heading for the water tribe. to find Aang and Katara a teacher." Sokka sighed. I could tell he was worried about them.

"you're a good big sibling... much better then me..." I sighed.

"what're you talking about? Aang keeps talking about you like you were sent from the spirits above!" He told me.

"yeah but, i wasn't here..." I said sadly.

"That's not your fault." Sokka told me. i looked down in regret still "Y/n, whatever happened on that ship, whatever happens in your life! We won't let you go through it alone! I will not let you suffer like that" Sokka promised. 

I looked at him in suprise so many things were running through my head! the future telling i just got said they'd want to protect everyone, Lisa told me that someone wouldn't let me suffer alone!! i thought she meant Zuko or Aang, but what if it was Sokka!!

before i could say more Aang came back he seemed really happy.

"Woah Y/n do you need a doctor you're face is all red!" He excalimed.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said nervously.

"oh that's a relief!" Aang chirped.

"jeez you must have had a great time in that bathroom." I chuckled.

"well what happend was-" Aang started"

"I DON'T WANNA KNOW!" Sokka interupted. Aunt Wu and Katara came back and Aunt wu then took Aang.

they came back a while after and Aang looked happier then before. Aunt Wu said we sould go explore town

"HEY! you didn't read my future!" Sokka yelled.  Aunt wu quicky atled about how Sokka's going to have a life full of problems he caused. i couldn't help but chuckle. everyone turned towords me.

"what? is there something on my face?" I questioned.

"no we just never heard you chuckle or show joy before. you have a cute chuckle" Katara said. now I was embarresed, but what can ya do? we left Aunt wu's place to explore town a bit, it was nice to take a break from all the drama with Zuko and Aang being enemies. but little did i know Sokka was about to be added to the equation.

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