Prologue 02: Welcome To Gotham

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3rd POV:

I remembered how it is feel...

How am I lost everything...

From my old man...done something worst for what he just did the horrible things about the past that he murder someone else for what he did and now...I just don't know what to say.

My old man was the burglar who took two persons that lost to a child.

His name is Bruce Wayne...

And this is mw own father's confession for murdering.

In Flashback.

When there was a boy who had his own parent they both were walk out of the cinema because they watch the movie called Zororo and yea...that looks like fun for the boy and his parent to watching the movie that was fun and then the boy with his parent heading to the alleyway because they are done watching it. Now they both were walking in the alleyway until there was a burglar who came out of his own hiding and revealed himself is...the burglar...the only one who took the boy's parent life and ruining his own life too.

(A/N: Imagine that scene right there...where Bruce got his parent's death.)

The burglar who was running and keep running away from here by himself and he was an adult man and he had a black hair by himself and he was keep running far away from here by himself and then he is heading to his apartment right away. When the burglar was finally made it to the apartment and make him opened the door.

Joe: "Honey! I'm home! Where's the-" He tries to said and he was surprise and he saw his wife was ties up from the chair and make her was tries to speak out cause she got gagged on her mouth and she can't even move.

Joe: "H-Honey?!? What did this to-" He tries to said and make him heard the gun cock and he turn his head to look at there was a gangster in his apartment and he had a gun in the head.

???: "Hello, Joe...drop the gun now." He said to Joe and make Joe was drop the gun down on the floor and then other gangster was struck the back of his head and knocked him down on the ground and make him was shook his head that he turn his head to look up and saw there was only criminal who was rule over this world of Gotham city...that is...Carmine Falcone.

Joe: "M-Mr. Falcone? W-What's going on?" He asked him.

Carmine: "This, my boy...This is where you are fuck up! Why didn't you kill Bruce Wayne?!" He asked Joe.

Joe: "I-I-I can't kill the an innocent children! But you say that you want me to kill the Wayne family and not the kid!!!!!!!" He shout out to Carmine and make him was chuckle and told the other gangsters to get Joe up and put him on the seat.

Carmine: "You are truly disgrace to family, Joe are realize that you didn't do the right thing...and now you are going to die here." He said to Joe.

Joe: "You lie....You fucking lie to me....You say that I can steal, kill, and get some moneys from the others but you won't make me get rich?!?" He shout out to Carmine.

Carmine: "Yes...but that was a see you are my puppet and I am using you." He said to Joe and then the other gangsters were setting up with the bombs and C4 in this apartment and prepare to blow up right away and then Joe was seen this and make him was got beaten by Carmine and the gangsters.

Back to (Y/N).

There was a young man had a black hair and he was 9 year old by himself and he is running to his own home because his parent didn't picked him up cause he want to know where they are and he is heading to his own apartment and make him tries to called out his parent with the IPhone.

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