Chapter 10: The New Anti-Hero/Catwoman (Lemon)

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Urrrgh...." He was groaning out little bit and make him opened his eyes out and he was turn his head to look around and he saw himself that he was in different apartment and make him was confuse and he tries to speak out.

(Y/N): "What in the....where am I? Am I the wrong apartment? Or this is my girlfriend's house" He asked himself.

???: "No, actually you didn't." She said and make him was surprise and he look down at there was a woman had a short black hair and she had a beautiful green eyes too...and she is...oh boy...she was wore black bras, and panties and this make him surprise with a shock on his face and blushes up.

???: "Hi there." She said.

(Y/N): "Hello." He said to her.

???: "Sleep good?" She asked (Y/N) and make him was chuckle and he told her.

(Y/N): "Yes, but can you tell me about what happened? Where am I?" He asked her and make her confuse and she asked him.

???: "You don't know about what happened back there?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "I remembered about I was got shots by these gangsters from Carmine Falcone...and I was brutally death and then I got my ass resurrected back alive by that thing inside at me...and I rampage killing those who were deserved...Carmine Falcone's death." He said to her and make her surprise and she asked him.

???: "Carmine Falcone is death?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Yep, I remembered when I was lost control of this power and I rampage at his own home and place...kill all of these men and now only left is...Batman and Nightwing. I was fight the two of them and...turns out I am pretty actually stronger than anything for what you seen." He said to her.

???: "How do you know all about this?" She asked (Y/N) and then he explaining to her about he had an symbiote inside at him and it was dangerous and scariest for what (Y/N) was become and the symbiote showing the memory of his own past and parent too. Where did he meet? Well, the symbiote was came from the outer shoot down on the ground and it searching for the host is...(Y/N)...where he was run to his own parent's place.

(Y/N): "Yeah, that's what I forgot to introduce myself....what's your name?" He asked her and she giggle and said.

Selina: "It's Selina Kyle, cutie...what about you?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "(Y/N) (L/N) Chill...that's all...but you can called me (Y/N)." He told her and then the two of them were meet each others and talking also they both start to get relationship to know each others and growing more interests. Then Selina seen (Y/N) is different than anyone for what she saw especially her old boyfriend Bruce and by the way Selina found a new man for what she really interest about is....(Y/N).

When (Y/N) was going to the bathroom and he need to take a long shower and prepare to get dresses up right away by himself.

When (Y/N) was going to the bathroom and he need to take a long shower and prepare to get dresses up right away by himself

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