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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) with the ladies are facing Batman and then they both were gonna have a talk and also Batman blame (Y/N) for what he's doing.

Batman: "Do you know what you did?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Yes, I don't give a fuck about it...Hey you know what...I just did this for you and the Gotham city and...everybody are safe. Me and Jason clean up the Gotham city." He said to Batman and make him confuse and then out of nowhere Red Hood was land down on the ground beside with (Y/N) and he take the mask off of himself and make him surprise.

Bruce: "J-J-Jason?!" He said in surprise.

Jason: "Hello, Bruce." He said to Bruce and make him was surprise to seen Jason is here and he came back alive from the death.

(Y/N): "You know what, Bruce...I don't giving a shit about what you say...my dad kill your parent...and guess what...they got what they deserve!" He said to Batman and make him surprise and seen (Y/N)'s attitude and also Jason was shock as well.

Batman: "What?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "My dad shot your parent because of what...they are being rich for those people who were homeless and sick with poor. Wayne Enterprise tries to help the city or people?!? You and your companies aren't real hero! Are bunch of fucking ignorance fucks!!!!!!" He said to Batman.

(Y/N): "Carmine Falcone and the Wayne are work together...he's the one who kill your parent and don't blame my dad about this shit!!!!! I really hate the real thing about you, Bruce!!!!!" He said to Batman.

(Y/N): "Your parent got what they deserve for what its coming!!!!! Because Thomas Wayne is my own father too!!!!!!!" He said to Batman.

Batman: "W-W-What?" He said to (Y/N) and make the ladies were surprise to heard that and then (Y/N) show the files to Batman and the evidence of the DNA Blood of (Y/N) and also his mother.

(Y/N): "Few weeks later I found this file from the closet of my father...my mother who was daydreaming about Thomas Wayne...because of your father who date with my mom! And then one day later my dad found out about your father and her were hanging out...so he decided to working with Carmine Falcone! So one more thing is...I hope you and your fucking family die in the hell where you came from!!!!!!!!" He said to Batman in anger and this make Batman snapped out of it and he tries to punch (Y/N) but he block the attack and then he use his right arm shapeshift as big muscle arm.

I hope you and your fucking family die in the hell where you came from!!!!!!!!" He said to Batman in anger and this make Batman snapped out of it and he tries to punch (Y/N) but he block the attack and then he use his right arm shapeshift as big m...

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(Y/N) punch Batman across in the face pretty hard and knock him down on the ground and make him look back at Batman and he said.

(Y/N): "I should kill you right now...but not now...not here...I'm going back to my home now." He said to them and leave Batman laying down on the ground and then Jason was surprise as well and he is going along with (Y/N).






Post Credit Ending:

Amanda Waller: "That's Venom..." She said.

???: "What do we do with him, ma'am?" He asked her.

Amanda Waller: "Well, I've decide to let him join up as Task Force X."




(A/N: Yeah, basically (Y/N) is like Arthur Fleck from Joker movie 2019)

The End.

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