Chapter 5: The Nightmare Of Venom

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

Batman: "I take it your funding is in Jeopardy." He said.

Grace: "More like nonexistent." She said to Batman and then Batman asked her in question.

Batman: "I have some little influence with the Wayne Enterprise. Perhaps I could..." He tries to said.

Grace: "I wouldn't go crawling to Bruce Wayne. I may had known him for awhile but he's no better than his pal Camille Baden-Smythe." She said to Batman and make (Y/N) was narrow his eyes at the talking with voice comes from Dr. Balin and he was notice something ain't right...her voice was so normal but something more like dark with demonic voice and turns out that (Y/N) seen something right about it.

Grace: "(Y/N), you coming?" She asked him.

(Y/N): "Yeah, I'm coming." He said to her and then he was walking along with the doctor and make him was going out with the doctor and they both just going out in this place and then Batman want to investigate about who is really Orca and what cause her for doing this and (Y/N) want to find out too cause he need to know about this problem at it and (Y/N) got report to Jonah Jameson and oh boy the boss was pretty much happy to seen the problem was fun.

Grace: "Well, that's all I can tell you and I still no idea who is Orca is...Sorry." She said to Batman.

Batman: "Very well...but I'm still need to know where she really is and who or what she really is." He said to Grace.

Grace: "Well, sure but good luck with that." She said to him.

Batman: "I will....Kid...Just stay out of the trouble." He said to (Y/N) and make him was got nod his head and he said.

(Y/N): "Sure, boss." He said to him and that Batman was leave right away and leave the two of them were alone for themselves and then Grace said in surprise and almost anger little bit.

Grace: "Man! I can't believe Batman was came here!!!!!" She said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Yeah, I think I don't want to meet the's get back home alright?" He asked her and make her nod her head then (Y/N) was kissing her in the lips and make her kisses back at him too. Then the two of them were let go and they both stare at each others and smile up cause the two of them are always been together and they will never let go because they always stick together and is always care each others.

After the two of them went to the house by themselves and they both were definitely in the house right now and they are gonna have a long way talk with each others and yeah...basically (Y/N) with Grace were enjoying happy life in this Gotham city by themselves. Then (Y/N) with Grace were in the bedroom and they both were slept together and their hands were holding each others by themselves.

Grace: "*I love you, (Y/N). I want to be with you...but I cannot show you about what my form really is...the power for what I've became and demon.*" She thought herself and then she close her eyes and sleeping right away.

Next Morning Later.

When Grace was really gone for herself and then she was leave (Y/N) on the bed and then (Y/N) is sleeping in the bed by himself and until he had a problem in his own head and there was a nightmare inside at his own mind and make him start to felt sweat comes down from his own head. Then (Y/N) tries to shaking around by himself and he want to get this dream off of his own mind and until he release something...sinister...dark...demonic.

In (Y/N)'s Daydream.

When (Y/N) opened his eyes out and he was in the darkness for himself and make him was turn his head to look around and he said.

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