Chapter 30: Final Ending

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) was with Orca, Harley, Ivy, Talia, and Shiva are heading to the place where Hush was been hiding in the warehouse but this is different build place almost like military and he was doing something pretty much big problem that (Y/N) was looking at this supervillain name is Scarecrow that's what he want to know where is Hush really is. Then the six of them were begin to moving out by themselves and they both were tries to searching for Scarecrow by themselves and (Y/N) was got his spider-sense in his head and make him was stop five of them were doing.

(Y/N): "Stop." He said.

Harley: "What's wrong, puddin?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Ladies, we have a company." He said to them and then Orca was sniffing out and make her found the smell comes from over there and looks like something else is here.

Orca: "He's right...there is something else is we need to be careful." She said to them and make her growl out with her claws out and prepare to fight but Ivy notice something over there and looks like clays and it is all over down on the ground.

Ivy: "Oh boy...this isn't good." She said.

Talia: "What is it?" She asked her.

Shiva: "Look over there." She told them and seen there was clays down on the ground.

(Y/N): "What's wrong, Ivy? Do you know this?" He asked her and make her nod her head and then the clays all over on the ground and combine together and make the clays become a big tall dark figure was looks like 13 foot tall very big and he was looks like ugly motherfucker. This person who was an actor...and yes...he was an actor who jealous about the director replace him with a new actor...that because Basil who was horrible actor...but all he wants to change into good person.

Ivy: "Clayface." She told (Y/N).

Basil Karlo AKA Clayface

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Basil Karlo AKA Clayface.

Basil Karlo, the original Clayface, was an actor who was driven mad when he heard of a remake of the classic horror film he had starred in, Dread Castle, and that he wouldn't be in the leading role. Adopting the persona of "Clayface", the villain of one of his old films, he became a serial killer targeting the cast and crew. He was eventually stopped by Batman and Robin. Later versions of the character reimagined him as being transformed into a behemoth of shapeshifting, clay-like flesh.

Basil Karlo was an actor until he was driven mad by learning that a new actor would lead the role of a remake of the classic horror film that he had originally starred in. Adopting the alias of the villain of one of his old movies, "Clayface," he fatally wounded several members of the cast and crew of the remake before eventually being defeated by Batman and Robin. He reappears in Detective Comics #49 (March 1941) after the prison ambulance he is riding in plunges off a cliff. He once again dons the mask of Clayface and targets Bruce Wayne's fiancee. Once again, the Dynamic Duo foil the evil Karlo.

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