Chapter 15: The Cage Between Beasts

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) with Harley got their clothes to dressing up already and make them both were got out of the nurse room and (Y/N) transform back to his monstrous Venom form until Batman show up and he went to interrogate with her.

Batman: "Where is the Joker, Quinn?" He asked her.

Harley: "How should I know, B-Man, he's moving around the island and he doesn't tell me where, but you already know what he's planning, I'm sure my new puddin has told you already." She said to him.

(Y/N)/Venom: "She's telling the truth, Batnut and don't even think about giving us any of your self righteous to us." He said to Batman but Batman was about to say something until Gordon speak up.

Commissioner Gordon: "Look you two, there's no time for arguing each other. If Quinn is telling the truth then you have to stop Joker before it is too late." He said to Batman and (Y/N) and the two of them were stare each others.

Batman: "Fine, did you got the Explosive Gel from the Batmobile?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N)/Venom: "Yeah, we got it." He said to him and he give the explosive gel to Batman and then he turn his head to look at Gordon and Harley.

(Y/N)/Venom: "You both need to get going....Us and Batnut are going after clown, you two get to the docks, get on the speedboat and get off the island don't know what other trick he has, but wherever they are, they can't be good.~" He said to them and he want his princess get safety away from Joker.

Harley: "But, puddin...what about you? I don't want you to get hurt or worse, especially after I've finally found my new puddin.~" She said to (Y/N) and make him was unabsorbed his head again and he show his face and make him put his hands on her shoulders and he said.

(Y/N): "Don't worry about me, princess...I'm going to be fine with Bat for brains helping me out...we are going to stop the clown." He said to Harley.

(Y/N): "And once I get my hands on him...I will make him get suffer for what he did to you and the others and I am going to rip his head off and eat him up.~" He said to her and make her smile and she leaned her head to his ear and she said.

Harley: "Make sure you will kill him for me, puddin.~" She said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "I am...If Batnut tries to stopped me...I won't hesitate easy on him.~" He said to her and make her nod her head and he pulled her into kissing right away and when they separated and then the two of them are running off and (Y/N) was finally got his face reabsorbed his head again and he turn his head to look at Batman and he said.

~" He said to her and make her nod her head and he pulled her into kissing right away and when they separated and then the two of them are running off and (Y/N) was finally got his face reabsorbed his head again and he turn his head to look at Bat...

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(Y/N)/Venom: "Now, Batman...we will go our separate doing alone and us...we do the same thing." He said to Batman and make the two of them were heading off by themselves.

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