Chapter 11: Welcome To Arkham Asylum

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3rd POV:

Next 6 Months Later.

There was a group of Breaking New for Gotham city and yes...lot of it...there was an new anti-hero who clean Gotham city by himself and yes...for himself that he was kill those criminals like he ate them alive and ripped them into shreds apart off by himself and now this one is the most terrifying devil or monster in this world.

Venom/The Lethal Protector.

They say he was huge tall monster with 10'05 foot tall and he destroying many criminals like nothing and then they say he is a hero who done the right thing

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They say he was huge tall monster with 10'05 foot tall and he destroying many criminals like nothing and then they say he is a hero who done the right thing.

Venom kill rapists, thugs, bad guys, and some motherfuckers around in this world too...they can't stand a chance against at the anti-hero symbiote. Then Batman who was search and hunt Venom down but he can't find him...he's very fast and nowhere to be found and who or what he really is...but I gotta say he was best hero who destroying those evils got what they were deserved.

People hate Batman and they called him is False hero.

Yes, cause he didn't let the clown live...Joker...that son of bitch who murdered many people and keep killing and it need to be matter what the clown will do...Venom will kill him.

The crimes from Gotham city was 15% because Venom is watching, stalking, and hunting these criminals down by himself and kill them all by himself.

Back to (Y/N).

There was a supervillain who scared as shitless and he start to running away from whatever it is chasing at him behind and he start to moving out to somewhere else far away from the monster was after him and haunt his ass. The breathing of this motherfucker was keep breathing and breathing and he won't stop until he need to get away from all know what are we talking about.

This man is here who called himself is...Mad Hatter...yes...he is a Mad Hatter who was supervillain can control the minds of those people and doing whatever he want to tell them to do but Mad Hatter cannot control Batman and he got his ass kicked by Batman and send him to the jail.

For this time...this motherfucker right going to die.

is going to die

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Arkhamverse: Venom The Lethal Protector (Harem X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now