Chapter 7: Venom's Awaken

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3rd POV:

Previously Of Arkhamverse: Venom The Lethal Protector.

Orca: "This is who or what I am...but I won't stop until I get my hands on her!" She said to (Y/N) and then (Y/N) know this happened and he doesn't want her become a killer or villain...but gunshot shot her in the chest and make Orca was fall out of the boat.

(Y/N): "GRACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out to her and he tries to reach her but it is too late that she was falling and all the way she falling down and Batman with Nightwing turn around to look and saw Camille was holding the pistol gun with her but Batman kick the gun out of her hand.

(Y/N): "I have to-" He tries to said and he want to jump off from the boat and then Nightwing stopped him and he said.

Nightwing: "I'm sorry....she is gone....she didn't came back." He said to him and make (Y/N) felt rage and he was anger and let out a crying out to the sky and make him was shout out in anger.

" He said to him and make (Y/N) felt rage and he was anger and let out a crying out to the sky and make him was shout out in anger

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(Y/N): "NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GRACE!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out in anger for himself.

After the police was arrive and Camille was been arrested for her battery and (Y/N) was report to Commissioner Gordon about what happened here and then he told him about Grace Balin was Orca and also (Y/N) showing the truth of Camille's crimes for what she did. Then he report to Jonah Jameson about this...and this is going to be surprise for what he is gonna heard of (Y/N)...but now everything is that all.

Few weeks later that Jonah Jameson talking shit about Batman who wasn't a great hero and he thinks Batman is same shitty ass hero and yea...that's what he tries to said but the people would agree with J.J about the Batman. The way he did is arrest these criminals and take them to the Arkham Asylum and for how long are they get their executions but (Y/N) still got one thing that he hate is...Batman...that's because he didn't save Grace Bailin.

J.J want him to stay in Gotham city and do the story with report about Batman and that's all he want him to doing it.

In Gotham City.

Next 4 Months Later.

J.J: "Kid, you better cheer up. You did the right thing to report Camille's crimes after what she did...but now you are the only one who is the big shot can get capture Batman's picture!" He said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Sure, whatever you say." He said to J.J.

J.J: "Look, I'm sorry about Grace Balin...Alright? I know her was with you and that break my heart to see my boy right here is hurt...don't blame yourself alright? Blame Batman...he's the one who let Grace die." He said to (Y/N).

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