Chapter 17: Face Our Demons

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3rd POV:

Back to Selina.

When Selina was in her home and she heard the new of Arkham Asylum was break out and some prisoners were came out of their cells and attacking also riot too...and this make her felt scared and she was pretty much scare about (Y/N) was in there and doing his own job as interview with Warden Sharp. Then Selina want to know her man is gonna be alright and she know him is brave, tough, and stronger than anyone else for what she care about and then she just sat on the bed and watching the TV Breaking News.

Selina: "*Please be alright, (Y/N).*" She thought herself and until a cat came appeared out of nowhere and land down on Selina's arms and make her put her hands at the cat and patting with scratching.

Selina: "I know...I know you all worries about him and misses him..." She said.

Selina: "But don't worry...he will be alright." She said to the cat and make her was scratching and patting the back of his head and make her sigh out and she turn her head back to look at the TV with Breaking new is going on.

Selina: "*Please be alright.*" She thought herself.

Time Skip Later.

Back to (Y/N).

Then the two of them laying on the big ass flower and covering them up and (Y/N) just resting in 30 minutes later cause he will wake up and he will going out after the clown and killed him by himself.

(Y/N): " matter you tries to do...I will kill the Joker and stop his plan doing. I don't care about the fucking rule....Hehehe...maybe I found out how the voice sounds like...Batman is Bruce Wayne.~" He said to himself.

Ivy: "Hmmm.~" She was moan little bit and (Y/N) was turn his head to look her who was awake and she looked at (Y/N) and make her smile.

Ivy: "Hello, sweetie.~" She said to (Y/N) and peck him on the lips.

(Y/N): "Hello, how's good sleeping?" He asked her and make her giggle and she said.

Ivy: "It was fun for both of us having sex. But I decide to going out with you, (Y/N) know you are really nice person for what I've been meet.~" She said to (Y/N) and make him was chuckle little bit and he was hug her tightly and then the two of them are laying down there for awhile and until they both heard gunshots comes from out there.

Ivy: "Oh no....what are these scums doing my own babies?!?" She said to herself.

(Y/N): "How many of them?" He asked her and she said.

Ivy: "15 of them." She said to (Y/N) and make him heard this and he said to her.

(Y/N): "I'm going out by myself....let us handle at these motherfuckers.~" He said to her.

Ivy: "B-But what about you?" She asked him.

(Y/N): "I'm going to be alright." He said to her and he was grab his clothes and put his clothes to dressing on by himself...and then stepped out of Garden and he went to outside for himself and make him saw there were bunch of these criminals for themselves and then (Y/N) saw there were 15 of them have their weapons with them.

(Y/N): "Guys, we don't have to do this....Trust me." He said to them and they were chuckle little bit don't giving a shit about it and they load their weapons out by themselves.

(Y/N): "Alright, have it your way....MASK!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out to Venom.

Symbiote: "COPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out again and allow him to transform back to his monstrous form.

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