Chapter 8: The Revenge/Batman V.S Venom

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3rd POV:

Previously Of Arkhamverse: Venom The Lethal Protector.

The monster was use his bare claws slashed at the other gangster members apart off and bloods all everywhere down on the ground...the gangster who was watch in horror and terrifying the form of the beast just murdering them all by himself. After he was grab one of gangster member from the ground and he turn his head to face at Venom and make the creature was hisses out and he prepare to bite his head off.

 After he was grab one of gangster member from the ground and he turn his head to face at Venom and make the creature was hisses out and he prepare to bite his head off

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(Y/N)/Venom: "Now then...where were we?" He asked him.

Gangster 1: "P-P-Please don't kill me!" He said to (Y/N).

(Y/N)/Venom: "We will...but you better tell us...where is...Carmine Falcone?!" He shout out to him and make the bastard who was shitting himself and he saw how terrifying of (Y/N)'s Venom monstrous form and then the gangster said.

Gangster 1: "O-O-Okay, he live where his mansion! Big ass mansion!!!!!!!" He said to (Y/N) and make (Y/N) was grip the bastard's neck tightly and he can't even breath for himself and (Y/N) look closer at the motherfucker with a smiley face also his tongue comes out and he said.

(Y/N)/Venom: "Where was it?" He asked him.

Back to Renee.

Radio: "Detective Montoya, there is an shootout in Balin's house and the street is...." He said and there was a feminine figure who was driving the police car by herself and she had a brown hair ties with ponytail and she is really beautiful...also she was partner of Harvey Bullock. Yes, this woman was part of GCPD by herself and she is doing her own duty right now and make her was drove the vehicle car straight toward to where the street really is.

 Yes, this woman was part of GCPD by herself and she is doing her own duty right now and make her was drove the vehicle car straight toward to where the street really is

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Renee Montoya.

Renee Montoya is a character frequently featured in Batman and other DC publications. Created for Batman: The Animated Series but debuting in Batman #475, she was originally a recurring member of the Gotham City Police Department and ally to the Batman Family. Montoya became one of the main focus characters in the Gotham Central comic series, serving as one of the Major Crimes Unit officers. After quitting the GCPD at the series' conclusion, she featured heavily in the 52 event series, during which she was selected as the second incarnation of The Question. Since then, Montoya has alternated between a GCPD officer and the vigilante identity.

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