Chapter 26: The Cure For Mr. Freeze & Nora

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3rd POV:

Back to Babs.

Babs who was groaning out little bit and make her opened her eyes out and she was observe around in the living room but until she didn't seen (Y/N) was in the bed with her and she know (Y/N) is gone already.

Babs: "(Y/N)?" She asked him and she didn't seen him and make her was sigh out little bit as disappointment and then she turn her head to look down and saw there was a paper down on the table and make her grab it in her hand. When she saw there was a words and title name comes from (Y/N) cause he was heading out by himself and he got work to do as a hero duty as become Venom and fighting some criminals and supervillains too.

Babs: "Hmm...(Y/N)...I don't know why Bruce really hate you because...your father took his parent and I understand how you feel...but you felt guilty, ashamed for yourself and your father doing....I think you are trying to fixing the right thing." She said to herself and make her was sigh out little bit and she going back to sleep right away.

Babs: "Please, be alright (Y/N)....I don't want you end up like Bruce." She said to herself and close her eyes at (Y/N)'s bedroom and she will wake up later when she going back to her own home.

Time Skip Later.

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) was heading out for himself and he become Venom and make him start to run with parkour by himself and he just need to find Hush and stop him for what his doing...what is he planning to do. Then (Y/N) definitely confuse about what is he tries to prove doing by himself and when (Y/N) was running and begin to jump up and moving out to somewhere fast as he could.

 Then (Y/N) definitely confuse about what is he tries to prove doing by himself and when (Y/N) was running and begin to jump up and moving out to somewhere fast as he could

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(Y/N)/Venom: "Hmmm...the smell...comes from somewhere." He said to himself and he was smell it...the scent of Hush and make (Y/N) track him down and he was begin to moving up there and he saw there was a place was pretty cold and abandoned building...looks like freeze with snow covering it up.

(Y/N)/Venom: "Must be in there." He said to himself and he was finally jump up high and land down on the rooftop's building and smash through and make him was land down on the ground and he turn his head to look around and search for Hush.

(Y/N)/Venom: "What in the world of Hush doing in this place?" He asked himself and make him went up there and search anything else around here and (Y/N) was looking at this place was pretty much huge and bigger than Arkham Asylum. But the lethal protector went to the other way as he sense something in his spider-sense and make (Y/N) was dodge out of the way and the shoots comes from freeze hitting all over on the walls and make (Y/N) was land down on the ground and he turn his head to look over there and saw a tall figure.

???: "You dodge...and you are better than Batman." He said to (Y/N) and this figure who was stepped out of the darkness and revealed himself is wearing an armor suit with backpack had the oxygen of ice and he had a Freeze gun...and this one is the most deadliest enemy that Batman facing before...Poor broken man.

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