Chapter 4: The Batman For Himself

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3rd POV:

Previously Of Arkhamverse: Venom The Lethal Protector.

Camille: "YOU BUMBLING ICOMPETENTS!!!!! YOU LET HER GET AWAY!!!!!!!!" She shout out to them and then she turn her head to look at Bruce and she said.


Bruce: "I was just save you a number of wrongful death lawsuits, Camille!" He shout out to her and then he said.

Bruce: "You almost kill the reporter back there!!!! Now he saw how actions of you were doing and this isn't good for you...he will report to this world about you command your men tries to kill Orca?!" He said to her and make (Y/N) was sigh out little bit and he was done take the pictures already and he was moving out by himself and he need to leave away from here and he should report to Jonah Jameson about this Orca also the actions of Smythe's doing.

(Y/N): "Thanks for saving my life back there, Mr. Wayne...I have to go right now." He said to him and make him was nod his head and he look at Smythe woman and he said.

(Y/N): "This will not stand for you, Smythe." He said to her and make him was walk away from here and then Bruce was look at (Y/N) who is walk away from here by himself and then he was got the iPhone was ringing out and make him grab it in his hand and take answer at it.

Bruce: "Alfred, is the Bat-suit almost done already?" He asked Alfred.

Alfred: "Yes, is almost done right now. Where should I-" He tries to said and Bruce answer at the question to Alfred.

Bruce: "It will be rooftop of the other building as quickly as possible." He said to him and make him was end the call and he was disappeared right away by himself and then only left is Camille was pretty much been pisses off and she was got the iPhone out and prepare to called her old friend...and yes...that was Carmine Falcone. Then she want him to do something for her quickly as possible and she said.

Camille: "Hey, Mr. Falcone...listen to me there is an important about someone who was familiar to you you know about Joe Chill? Oh yes, you remembered that...Joe Chill had a son." She said to him.

Time Skip Later.

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) was got back to his girlfriend's home and report the new to his boss about the new of enemy and villain attack was...Orca also she is the one who steal the diamonds also necklace comes from the woman name is Camille Baden Smythe. Then (Y/N) was told everything to him about Camille about what she order her men tries to kill Orca and almost killed (Y/N) too...after the report was done and make (Y/N) was done and then he heard his own girlfriend came back home and she was worrying and really did is worrying about (Y/N) because she heard the news about what happened and she want to ask him about what happened.

(Y/N): "That's all I have to tell you, Grace." He said to her.

Grace: "SHE ORDER THEM TO WHAT?!?" She shout out in rage as she slammed her hands down on the table and as she really angry very well and then (Y/N) know her pretty much to be pisses off about it.

(Y/N): "Look, Grace...I'm fine...there's no need to worrying about me alright? I'm alive! I am pretty much being alive right now! Orca save my life when I almost die back there and almost got shots by these fools!!!!!" He said to her.

Grace: "That was close." She said to herself and make her was calm down by herself and she said.

Grace: "That must be so close! And that fucking witch! How dare she order the guards to shoot you like that?!? This is why I am hate these people like her!!!!!!! The rich people were only cares about themselves and not thinking about the others feelings!" She said to (Y/N) and make (Y/N) was confuse about her who was anger about Camille cause she sounds looks like mad.

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