Chapter 21: Orca Returns (Lemon)

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3rd POV:

Next Year.

Gotham City has 5% crimes.

Yes....the Gotham city was finally been safe by the real true hero in this world.

Those whoever called the Batman is a hero? But no, he's no hero than anyone else for what they were thinking about and the news about this Gotham city was been save by the new hero who protecting this world and he called himself is.

Venom The Lethal Protector.

Venom The Lethal Protector

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Yes...yes, yes, yes, and yes...Venom was the most terrifying anti-hero who scare many scums in this world and scare many motherfuckers who even dare tries to messes with him...cause he can wipe many criminals by himself. The Joker was death because Venom killed him and send him to the hell for what he belong to...he is no longer rule over this world...the Prince of Crime is death...finally death sentence to the hell where he belong and even Batman seen this and make him felt mad about what Venom did to Joker.

Venom doesn't give a shit about the rule of Batman what he tries to tell 'No killing' and Venom had enough of it and decide to kill him...and now he take over this Gotham by himself...watching at any crimes in this city and take evils out by himself.

Jonah Jameson spread the rumors about the Gotham city...and new anti-hero Venom was the best justice who doing his right thing to protecting innocents people away from criminals and supervillains...he glad that Joker is death and except for one thing that he hate Batman. Yes, he really hate Batman badly because he seen Batman is different than Venom...he think he do the right thing to capture these animals alive?! But NO! NO! Enough is enough!!!!! Batman is false hero and false hero couldn't avenge the innocent.

Thanks to Venom who clean them up badly and yes...he just take over this Gotham city and now back to our protagonist who was become Venom...and yes (Y/N) (L/N) Chill was the son of burglar who killed Bruce Wayne's parent. Then (Y/N) was focusing his own report and story write about Venom and also doing his own hero activity by himself.





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