Chapter 27: Red Hood & Venom/The Assassins

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3rd POV:

Next Month Later.

Well...the Gotham city has finally peaceful because of (Y/N) who was the most popular hero for this world.

He kill many criminals by himself and take them down easily like nothing.

The crime of Gotham was 4% like nothing...and (Y/N) was the only one who give these evils and pure evils who were fear of...even Batman was showing up anytime and soon cause he was tries to stop (Y/N)'s doing but he can't stop him...and yep...(Y/N) kicking the shit out of Batman by himself.

But there is another vigilante hero like (Y/N)...and yes...that person was second Robin member before and he was the only one who give them a quiet few scares and killed them like nothing but all he had to do is fighting and make the city was better. This guy was deadliest and also killing machine and better than Batman or any sidekicks like Robin, Nightwing, and Batgirl...Jason was heard of (Y/N) because he want to seen how he's doing and work with him and together...the two of them are going to take these evils down by themselves.

But there is only missing for what (Y/N) is gonna find is...Hush.

Time Skip Later.

In Somewhere Else.

When Jason was took many prisoners out by himself and he was in the Arkham Asylum because he is going to take down the Arkham Asylum and shut everything up in here by himself and he won't let them tries to get away.

When Jason was took many prisoners out by himself and he was in the Arkham Asylum because he is going to take down the Arkham Asylum and shut everything up in here by himself and he won't let them tries to get away

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Jason Todd AKA Red Hood.

Jason Peter Todd first appeared in Batman #357 (1983) and became the second Robin, sidekick to the superhero Batman, when the previous Robin, Dick Grayson went on to star in The New Teen Titans under the moniker of Nightwing.

Though originally popular, following a revamping of his origin by Max Allan Collins, the Jason Todd version of Robin was not well received by fans. For 1988's Batman: A Death in the Family story-line, DC Comics held a telephone poll to determine whether or not the character would die at the hands of the Joker, Batman's arch nemesis. The character was killed off by a vote of 5343–5271. Subsequent Batman stories dealt with Batman's guilt over not being able to prevent Jason's death. However, in 2005's story arc Under the Hood the character was resurrected, eventually becoming the second Red Hood and assuming a new role as an antihero who resembles Batman in many ways, except with a willingness to use lethal force and weapons.

Red Hood: "I'm going to kill every last single one of you, motherfuckers!" He shout out and make him was shooting his guns at these motherfuckers and he kill many prisoners by himself and he was here for Hugo Strange and Ra's Al Ghul...that's what he want to take his revenge toward Ra's Al Ghul. When he was keep shooting and killing many of them and he was take these motherfuckers out until he want to seen this world perfect with peaceful like doing Venom say to this world.

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