Chapter 16: Poison Ivy (Lemon)

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

After (Y/N) dealt with Killer Croc and make him was stepped out of the tunnel and he went back to the Arkham Asylum and make (Y/N) was definitely going to stay here in this Arkham Asylum and begin to going out and search for Joker and prepare to killed him by himself. When (Y/N) was walking out to somewhere and until he was spot there were bunch of prisoners who got their weapons with them and prepare to fight and they notice (Y/N) who was here and make (Y/N) let out a growl which get their attentions.

(Y/N)/Venom: "How are you boys doing?" He asked them with his dark deep demonic voice.

(Y/N)/Venom: "How are you boys doing?" He asked them with his dark deep demonic voice

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Thug 1: "Oh shit!!!!!! It's Venom!!!!!!!!" He shout out.

Thug 2: "KILL HIM!!!!!! LET'S TAKE THAT UGLY SON OF BITCH DOWN!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out to them and make them were charge toward at (Y/N) but he use his left claws out and make him stabbed his claws down on the ground and create a ground spikes coming up from the ground and stabbed those motherfuckers in the chests, legs, also heads. Then (Y/N) kill 10 of these prisoners by himself and now only left prisoner who was scared and shitless and make (Y/N) was growl little bit.

(Y/N)/Venom: "Now only you are left." He said to him and make him went to the last prisoner who was shitting himself.

" He said to him and make him went to the last prisoner who was shitting himself

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(Y/N)/Venom: "Listen here, boy...we aren't going to kill you...we are give you a message for your boss clown....better make sure that he doesn't need anyone help him....he doesn't Batman tries to save him...there is only us....Us! We are going to kill him and this time Batman won't save him!!!!! Do you understand?!?" He shout out to him and make the prisoner who heard this and  he nod his head to him.

(Y/N)/Venom: "Good...get going on then!" He shout out to him and push him was begin to running away from here by himself and make (Y/N) went to the other room and make him was kick the door of this room down by himself and he went inside here and he turn his head to look around and seen there were hallway and saw there was a big locked room over there and yes...that looks like a red smokes comes from locked up there.

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