{chapter one}

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Skylar's POV

I was running. The shadow was about to go and see if it could collect anyone else. I was going with it. I started running through the forest as fast as I could, constantly looking back over my shoulder to check for anyone.I was almost at the beach - where the shadow takes off from. I need to get away from here. Even my abusive parents are better than Pan. Well - for the most part. I'll admit, I have the slightest crush on him, but I'd never be with him. He is very good looking, sassy, sarcastic, and I admire his leadership abilities - but he's evil. He's a villain and could never be anything more.

I was just reaching the sand when my foot got caught, and I fell on my face. I look up to see the shadow taking off without me. I sigh. How is it possible I fell when it meant the most to me? It's simple - I didn't. I was tripped. I get up and brush the sand off of me. I turn around to see Pan smirking right there.

"You're not getting away that easy, sweetie," he says.

"I told you I'm going to get of this wretched island sooner or later,"

"Come here, babe," he growls, pulling me to his chest, "I'm never letting you leave this island, you hear me? Never," I roll my eyes. I move a hand down his chest, stopping right before the waistband of his pants. I look up to see him staring at my hand, as he chewed the inside of his cheek impatiently. I knew his weaknesses. There's never girls on this island, I doubt he's had sex within the last 100 years. Anything slightly sexual will turn him on.

"Something tells me you will..." I whisper. He snaps out of it, grabbing my wrist and pulling my hand off of him.

"You just bought yourself an hour in the cage," he snaps. I sigh. I should've seen that coming. "And that's just for talking back and trying to get out of it. We'll discuss punishment for trying to leave later,"

He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. I instinctively kick at him.

"One more move and you lose food privileges for two days!" He spits at me. I sigh and just give up with the struggle. He gets to the camp, calling over Tyler, Boyd, Felix, Chuck, and Eugene - all the boys except Brady and John, the only ones who're kind to me. He still doesn't put me down, and I'm starting to get lightheaded.

"Pan, I'm dizzy..." I mumble. He gets me down fast, so I stumble with the sudden blood rush. He looks me up and down with concern in his eyes before it quickly changes back to his evil look. He lets me stand, but pushes me to him, keeping me locked there with one arm. He might not look like a huge body-builder, but Pan was freakishly strong. His arms were defined nicely, but they weren't bulging. He didn't have to look scary to strike fear into everyone who stepped within thirty feet of him.

"Boys. She ran. Then, she tried to trick me into letting her just get off clean. She's being caged before we give her her real punishment," he says to them. I'm sure they nodded, but there was no vocal response.

"Felix, grab her," he says, right before two more hands land on me. One on my hip, one on my wrist. Pan gently lets go of me, while Felix roughly rips me over to the boys.

"Don't hurt her, Felix! She's not resisting now, don't treat her like she is," Pan barks at him. "Now. Cage her. A ground one,"

He turns to go do other business, while I'm left to the boys.

He's a Hero to me. (A Peter Pan - OUAT - story) Where stories live. Discover now