{chapter twenty eight}

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Peter Pan's POV

I sigh and peck Sky's lips before climbing out of bed and leaving the tent. Henry was fighting off Brady with a stick. Brady has toughened up after Sky and I got together.

"Stop! Stop it!" Henry says as all the other boys chant for a fight. Once I walk into view, Brady backs off.

"Come on, Henry! Loosen up! Have a fight for once,"

"The only fighting I've ever done is with wooden swords..."

"Then turn that stick into a sword,"

"How?" I place my hand over his, holding the stick in front of him.

"Now. Close your eyes and imagine you're holding a real sword," I say. When his eyes close, I use magic to turn it into a real sword. He opens his eyes and has a small celebration.

"I did it!" He says, happily.

"Yes you did, Henry. Now fight, fight..." I say, starting the chanting again. He starts swinging at Brady, before nicking him on the cheek.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!" Henry says, dropping the weapon.

"That's the best part about being a lost boy, Henry. You never have to apologize!" I say. "Now how about a song to celebrate?" I ask, picking up my pipe from a near by rock. I start playing a song as all the boys dance - including Henry.

"I can hear it! I can hear the music!" He says happily as he jumps around. I smile.

"I knew you would, eventually, Henry," I say before I continue playing. I continue to play, celebrating my own victory as I got closer to immortality.


Henry had fallen asleep after the celebration. He laid peacefully on his bed while I had Boyd and Tyler take turns on watch. I slip off, back into my tent, and back to Skylar. She still hadn't picked up the clothes, and was drawing in a small notebook.

"Hey, babe," I say, zipping and locking the tent.

"Hey, Peter," she says, continuing on her picture.

"Whatcha drawing?" I ask, sitting next to her.

"A picture," she says.


"Of a secret,"

"Tell me,"


"Come on, baby girl. What're you hiding?" She smiles and turns the journal to me. It was me, placing John down in his tent. She had a talent. It was really good.

"You saw?"

"Yeah. It was heart-warming. That's the sweet side of you, Peter, that I fell in love with. I've been drawing things like this for awhile..." She says. She flips through a couple pages, showing me doing different things I didn't put much thought into.

"This ones my favorite," she says, flipping to the first page. It was me and her, in the middle of a sweet kiss. I smile.

"These are amazing," I say.

"I'm glad you like them," she says. I change into just boxers and climb in bed beside her. I wrap my arms around her bare body and pull her to me, her chest against mine. She pulls me closer to her, as she nuzzles closer. I smile and kiss her forehead. I try to pull the blankets up a bit, but she pushes them so they only cover up to our hips.

"It's warm out..." She mumbles. I smile again. I continue to cuddle with her until I slowly fall asleep.

He's a Hero to me. (A Peter Pan - OUAT - story) Where stories live. Discover now