{chapter twenty two}

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Pan's POV

After dealing with the Charming's, who had ambushed me and the lost boys, I go to Skylar. I materialize in her tent. Again, she jumps when I get there. But, she smiles and hugs me.

"I don't like being separated like this. I want to see you all day. Not just at night," she says.

"I know. Once this is all over, we can see each other all day. But this will have to work for now. At least we can still cuddle at night," I say back. She smiles and pulls away from me to change. I change into some shorts - which I had used magic to get - and leave my shirt off, while Skylar changes into a racerback tank-top and shorts. We climb in bed and we spoon. I kiss her cheek a couple times before drifting off to sleep. I wake up to branches breaking and leaves crunching outside. I get up, and put Skylar's teddy bear where my arm was, since she was hugging it and I didn't want to wake her. I peek outside of the tent, and see the Charming's coming this way. I sigh, and materialize to the top of a tree, just outside of her tent, that way I'm not seen with her, but I can make sure nothing happens. They go in her tent no problem. But I set a protection spell, I think to myself.

"What the hell...?" I hear Skylar say from inside.

"Please just tell us where Henry is. It's your last chance before we let Regina off her leash," Someone else says.

"I told you. Pan said something about moving the camp. I'm as clueless as you are now," Skylar responds.

"Wrong answer," someone says, who I'm assuming was Regina. I materialize
down by her tent and create a tray of food. I walk in as Regina plunges her hand into Skylar's chest.

"What the hell are you all doing?" I say. Regina rips her heart out.

"What are you doing?" Charming asks.

"Bringing food to my prisoner. A dead ones not as fun. Now answer my question,"

"We want Henry back,"

"And you think I would be stupid enough to tell her? The girl who probably wants to kill me because I broke up with her? You think I would be that stupid? You really underestimate me,"

"Fine. Then you tell us where Henry is. Or I squeeze," Regina says, squeezing the heart slightly, which make Skylar double over in pain.

"But you know where he is. You have a map to him. How much clearer could I be?"

"Don't move him! Give him back!"

"But what's the fun it that? It's the game, Just hand over the heart and use the map,"

"But what the fun in that?" Skylar starts crying. She's almost begging me to just tell them. To get her heart back.

"Regina. That's enough," Emma says, seeing Skylar's tears.

"We still don't have a way to get Henry back!"

"But torture isn't a good move right now. Give. her. back. her. heart,"

"No! Not until this little kid tells us where Henry is!"

"Regina!" Snow, Charming, and Emma all yell at once. She sighs and plunges Skylar's heart back into her.

"You are going down," She threatens me before pushing past me and walking out. Most of her crew follows, except for Emma and Snow. I know both of them are harmless, and leave myself, but I stay very near, making sure nothing would happen to Sky.

He's a Hero to me. (A Peter Pan - OUAT - story) Where stories live. Discover now