{chapter thirty four}

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I woke up to John and Peter both gone. I climb out of bed and peak outside to see Peter playing with the boys. Everyone was smiling as they pranced around and enjoyed themselves. I get dressed quickly, in a green sundress and flats. I walk outside, over to Peter and the boys. Peter smiles and kisses my forehead before continuing the game. They were playing some version on football. Peter was trying to get the ball from Felix.

"Brady, catch!" Felix yells as he hurdles it, blindly. He throws it into a tree.

"Aw, Felix!" John whines.

"I'll get it..." Felix sighs, walking to the tree.

"I think we should take a break for a bit, guys. Let's relax for a bit," Peter says. They all nod and sit around the fire pit. It wasn't lit, but it was a good place to just sit and talk. I leaned into Peter and the boys all joked and teased each other. I laughed slightly at them as they acted like blood-related brothers. Peter kisses my head and I smile at him.

This was the Neverland I was waiting for. Just the boys, me, and a non-evil Peter. No problems, no prisoners, and.... wait.

"Wait a second ... Peter?" I ask.

"Yes, love?" He asks, in a smooth, loving voice.

"We forgot about Wendy..." I say.

"Shit..." He mumbles. "She should've gone back with the others. She'll want to see her brothers,"

"I thought they were dead,"

"No. They're in Storybrooke,"

"Well, let's go get her. Take her back ourselves," I say. He nods and kisses my head again before telling the boys the situation.

"We'll be right back. But for now, stay together and inside. Actually - just stay in my tent," Peter says. They all nod and shuffle into our tent. Peter and I materialize at the prison and let down the cage. We open it and Wendy crawls out.

"W-What are you gonna do with me?" She stutters.

"We're taking you home, Wendy. Back to your brothers," I say. Peter nods and holds out his hand. She doesn't take it.

"How do I know this isn't just another trick?"

"Will you trust the boys? Or at least the ones who stayed?" Peter asks.

"Or me?" I ask, hopeful.

"Let me see the boys. I'm not falling for a another trick," she states. We take her back to camp and lead her in our tent.

"Whys this one so big?" She says, gasping at the space.

"Because it occupies two people. Me.... And Skylar," Peter says.

"What....?" She whispers. I could tell she was hurt. She always had a slight crush on Peter, and anyone who was looking for it could tell. Brady comes over to her.

"Wendy? Why're you still here? Did you choose to stay, too?" He asks, hopeful.

"What? Choose to stay?"

"Wendy. It's a long story. But I promise you it's no trick when we say we're going to take you back to your brothers. We're taking you to a town called Storybrooke," Peter says.

"Storybrooke?" She questions.

"Yes. Now come on, Wendy, trust us. The boys chose to stay here because Peter - he's changed. He has pure magic in him now. Look," I say. I turn to Peter and nod to his chest. "May I?"

"It's technically your heart," he whispers. I smile and pull his heart out. I show her.

"It's pure," I say.

"Why's it only a half of a heart?" She asks. I give it back to Peter - who shoved it in his chest and I pull out mine.

"Because we share one heart," I say, showing her.

"How's that possible?" She asks as I put my heart back in my chest.

"Peter needed the heart of the truest believer to live. He thought it was in a boy named Henry, and Henry and his entire family came here. For awhile it was Henry, but the magic transferred to me when Peter was dying in front of me. I wanted to save him - but I would kill myself in the process. So I split my heart. And since we truly love each other, it works," I explain.

"So where are the other boys?"

"In Henry's home town. The same one your brothers live in, Wendy. They went back while others chose to stay,"

"Then let's go. I want to see John and Michael," We smile and walk to the beach. Peter takes my hand and he flies. The heart makes him powerful. I grab Wendy hand and we pull her up with us. We fly back to Storybrooke. The wind gust through my hair as flew. It felt amazing. I smiled at Peter as I gasped at the beautiful scenery below us. Sadly the flight had to end, and it ended back home. In Storybrooke.

He's a Hero to me. (A Peter Pan - OUAT - story) Where stories live. Discover now