{chapter twenty-one}

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Peter Pan's POV

I wake up and Skylar's still asleep. I wrap my arms tighter around her and kiss her a couple times. She stays asleep. I kiss her neck a couple times. Then I give her a thousand kisses all over her face. Nothing seems to wake her.

"Sky, wake up," I whisper. She groans and flips over so her back is against my chest.

"Nooo," she says, pulling the blankets up over her head. I smile and go under the blankets with her. I kiss her neck a couple more times.

"Babe, I got to go," I whisper.

"No! Stay with me!" She whines, turning back to cuddle into my chest. I smile and play with her hair.

"You know I want to. I got to go,"


"I need go move camp. Emma's on her way there. She solved the map," She sighs.

"Can't you just go rip his heart out, obliterate them and then come back and cuddle with me?"

"I have to get him to become a lost boy first. If he doesn't believe in me, it doesn't work. And also, what's the fun in it being so simple? But I'll be back tonight, baby," I whisper, kissing her forehead and climbing out of bed. She sighs and climbs out of bed, too. I get dressed and she come over to me and hugs me.

"I don't want to let you go. Please let me help. I know a lot about the heart now!"

"I have to go, and I can't risk you getting hurt. Now I got to go. I'll be back tonight," I kiss her forehead and then I leave.

Skylar's POV

The girls come back later with Charming and Hook at their side.

"You of all people would know where Henry is," Regina says when I come out of my tent.

"Why would I know? If you don't remember I was abandoned here,"

"He had to tell you something. Where's the camp?"

"I'm still not betraying anyone. I might be willing to do that to Pan, but not the rest of the boys. They're brothers to me, and I'm not sending you in their direction,"

"You won't talk. I'll make you talk!" She says. She starts trying to wear down the protection spell. I sit down.

"I've already tried everything. You can't break his spells,"

"Maybe I can," Emma says. She starts trying to break it, and it works. Regina starts marching toward me, but Snow and Charming stop her.

"We are not ripping her heart out!" Snow says, knowing what Regina was thinking.

"She's a little girl!" Charming says.

"She somehow handled Pan! She can handle this!" Regina shouts.

"No! Torture is not our best move!" Emma says.

"Fine. Then you get her to talk," Emma walks up to me and I scoot back.

"I'm not going to hurt you, but trust me, Pan will. The boys follow him and they will betray you. If you come with us, you can come back to Storybrooke with us. You can have a home!"

"You actually think I want to go back there? Like I would want to go back to the place where I was repeatedly hit and beat! This tiny little tent is way better than Storybrooke! Just please leave me alone! I'm not taking sides. I'm not helping Pan, and I'm not helping you!" I go back in my tent and zip it.

"Now, maybe next time you'll listen to me!" Regina says. I hear them all walk away and I collapse on the bed. I cuddle up under the blankets, and just wait for nightfall. Wait for Peter.

He's a Hero to me. (A Peter Pan - OUAT - story) Where stories live. Discover now