{chapter six}

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Pan's POV

I find the perfect hiding spot. I hide in the thickest tree in the forest, and hide in the leaves. My outfit gives me complete camouflage. Skylar never finds me. After an hour, I fly down next to her.

"Boo!" I scream. She screams and jumps, whipping around to me. I laugh at her reaction. She pouts and kicks a rock as her face flushed red.

"Times up, sweet pea," I say. She sighs.

"Fine you won. Say your wishes,"

"One. You have to get to know me. Really me. A date possibly. Two : You sleep in my bed whenever I like. Three: I pick what you sleep in during those nights,"

"It won't benefit you much. You can't touch me or lead to any kind of sex during those nights, you perv,"

"Hey, hey. Whoever said anything about me wanting sex? Is that what you think always runs through my mind?"

"Maybe it's just the way you act. So your other wish..."

"Well, I already know where we're going on our date. It's tomorrow. Now, go back to camp and go in my hut. Your punishment isn't over,"

* * *

"Are we still going through with the plan? I mean you got your wish," Felix says.

"Yes, we're going through with the plan. I need to be her hero, no just someone she unwilling sleeps with,"

"Yeah, I get it. But - are you sure you want to risk her that close to death?"

"The tribe said they wouldn't actually let a mermaid harm her,"

"How's that possible? The only person the mermaids listen to is you,"

"Then I'll fill them in tonight, after she's asleep,"

"I guess so. I just don't want them to kill her, then you not being able to get there in time. You know the mermaids get jealous,"

"I know. I'll just make sure they know if they hurt her - all of them die,"


"No, those mermaids have taken enough souls - if they add Sky's to that - that's the end of them. She's too special to just be lost like that. She's like a precious gem... she's worth so much to me. Nothing would ever be harsh enough if someone killed her. Nothing,"

"Okay. Just go back to your girl," I smile and go inside my tent, where she was waiting - sketching in a small notebook.

"Hey," I say.

"Hey," she says, with a weak smile. She closes her notebook and slides it over with the rest of her stuff.

"Get ready for bed. It's pretty late, Skylar,"

"Okay. What am I wearing tonight?"

"I guess just get in something similar to what you were in last night, but leave your shorts off," I say. She nods and changes into it. I climb in bed, kind of in the middle, so she could pick her side. She climbs in in front of me, cuddling into my chest.

"Woah. You'd think it was your wish to sleep here," I joke.

"Better to just do it, rather than getting punished then forced to," she mumbles.

"Do what?"

"Cuddle with you, sleep with you,"

"You don't have to cuddle with me. I'm not going to force you," I say.

"Then why'd you wish for it?"

"I wished for you to sleep in my bed. I guess, just so I could have...company," I say with a small sigh. "You don't have to cuddle with me," She smiles slightly.


"It's been... maybe a century since I've had someone sleep in my room, let alone my bed. I just needed the company," She smiles again, but flips over so her back is to me. I flip over too, our backs pressed against each other.

"Pan turn back around," she whispers. I do, but she still has her back to me. She grabs my hand and drapes my arm over her hip.

"If you don't have the slightest bit of contact, I don't know how I'd even feel like company. And I don't feel like I'm living up to my side of the deal when I just lay here like I supposed to tonight anyway," she says. I smile and pull her to me.

"Is this okay? Do you care if we're this close?" I ask.

"I don't mind, Pan. It's your wish. Do as you feel,"

I smile and hold her to me with that one arm as she drifts off. I wait until Sky is asleep to slip out and go to Mermaid Lagoon. I get there, and stand by the shore, before calling for them. They come to the surface with smiles of their faces.

"Hi, Peter!" They chime, cheerfully.

"Hello, girls. I need a favor," I say.

"Anything for you," one says. The rest nod.

"The tribe is already in on the plan. I need a girl to like me. She hates me at the moment,"

They scoff.

"Why try to impress those stupid mortals?" One cackles.

"Because, if she hates me, she won't trust me. If she doesn't trust me, she can't be included in plans - and I need an extra person when the boy comes," I say.

"Fine. What do we need to do?"

"The tribe is going to trap her where Tiger Lily was captured long ago by Hook. Remember? When Wendy came?"

They scoff again.

"Of course we remember that skank," one spits.

"Watch it," I warn. "Anyway, when the tide come up, you scare her. If any of you harm her - you will all die a slow and painful death. Got it?" I say.

"End of us? Please, Peter. You know you can't end us," one says. I roll my eyes, before levitating her out of the water, choking her in my magic grasp. When she's about to run out of oxygen, I drop her.

"Want to test me again?" I ask. She shakes her head and goes back under water.

"When I give you the cue, you drag her under. When I touch whoever dragged her, you disperse. Quickly," I say.

"What cue?"

"When I'm three feet away from her," I say. They nod.

"Okay, Peter,"

"And if you actually try to drown her... I don't even want to think of what I'd do to you. Don't doubt my powers, girls,"

"We don't doubt you, Peter. We won't hurt her," they chime, before swimming back under. I sigh. This better work.

He's a Hero to me. (A Peter Pan - OUAT - story) Where stories live. Discover now