{chapter four}

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Pan's POV

I wake up with my arms draped around Skylar. My hand had found that one place on her chest. I blush a bit. I always got slightly nervous around her - and I rarely acted sexual with her anymore. I didn't want anything to trigger those old memories. I could tell she was miserable back then. She didn't love me like I loved her, so she wasn't getting any connection in the sex. I didn't even care about the sex much back then, what I loved the most is when she would fall asleep next to me, and let me cuddle her all night long. But, I cared about her too much to make her keep doing that. I paid Brady to make her sneak out, just so I could have an excuse to make her a lost girl. I still watched her, protected her, like I would when we had the deal going. I wouldn't let anything hurt her.

She starts to wake up, so I get up quick, not wanting her to know I'm okay with cuddling. I go over to my small dresser and start digging out another outfit. She wakes up completely and swings her legs off the bed. I turn to see her stretch and yawn. I toss her a green blouse and her jeans.

"Get dressed," I say.

"Do I really have to? I'm stuck in here all day!"

"Just get dressed, please," I say, trying to sound a little nicer. She groans.

"Give me my bra," she states.

"Want to ask me nicer, babe?" I say. She shakes her head and comes over to get it herself. I pick it up and hold it above my head, and since I was taller - she couldn't reach.

"Pan..." She whines. She jumps for it, and crashes against my chest - a feeling I could get used to. She sighs and wraps her arms around my neck.

"Come on, Pan. Please?" She asks, making her eyes big and innocent as she pushed her pelvis against my crotch. I knew what she was doing - but it still caught me off guard. She was the one who always got sexual. She drove me insane. I let my arm go down slightly because I was focusing on her rubbing against me. She takes that opportunity to grab it from me, smirking when she won. She goes back over by the bed and turns her back to me. I let out a shaky breath. Damn, this girl was my weakness. I don't turn around like she thinks I am when she start getting undressed. She pulls her sweatshirt off and slips her bra on. She slips off her shorts and pulls on her jeans. Then her blouse and she turns around, still buttoning it. She slightly screeches when she sees me looking. She finishes buttoning it quick.

"Why were you looking at me?" she asks me.

"Maybe I was enjoying the view," She scoffs. I make her look away while I'm changing. After that she complains about wanting to go take a shower in her tent. I had made her a small shower so she didn't have to risk being seen by the boys. But, she loves her tent. She can't go in.

"Sorry, love, you can't go in your tent,"

"But I need to bathe, Pan,"

"Well, there's about 5 fresh water streams and coves around the island. You're welcome to use one,"

"Yeah, let me just get naked while the perverted boys on the island can all come and watch the show,"

"Skylar, I won't let the boys sneak up on you. They're not going to hurt you again. But, someone has to be there. I can't risk you running,"

"Can I at least pick who comes with me?"

"Pick between me, me or me,"

"Pan..." she whines.

"It's for your own protection. The boys you hate could attack you again. Brady and you could run off, and you have no idea what lies around this island. And Johnny couldn't defend anything,"


"You sure you want to shower?"

"Yes. I need to,"

I nod and grab a towel and robe for her before nodding for her to come with as we walk to the cove. She walks faster and starts getting ahead of me. "No," I say.

"Excuse you?"

"You stay right next to me the entire time," She groans. I grab her wrist and start walking. Tyler stops us.

"Where is she going? She has to stay in your hut all week, remember?" He says.

"Yes, Tyler, I remember. We're going to the cove for her shower,"

"Can I join?"

"Go back to camp,"

"Come on, Pan,"

"Go. Now," Tyler sighs and runs back to camp. I walk along with Skylar until we arrive at the cove.

He's a Hero to me. (A Peter Pan - OUAT - story) Where stories live. Discover now