{chapter three}

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Skylar's POV

Pan's the one to wake me. He didn't do it on purpose, though. He walked into his hut angry. When I woke, he was pacing around and breathing heavy, looking purely insane. He fists clenched and unclenched as if he was squeezing something. He punched his dresser, and knocked his lamp to the floor with a shatter as he let out a loud exasperated yell of some sort. He suddenly realizes what he did and uses magic to fix the broken lamp. I sit up quietly.

"Pan...?" I whisper. He whips around to me, angry tears in his eyes. His face softened slightly.

"Skylar, I forgot you were in here. I'm sorry for disturbing your sleep.... you can get more rest if you need it,"

"I'm fine. Thank you. Are you okay, Pan?"

"I'm fine. The boys are just being real pests today. They messed with little Johnny again. If it weren't for Brady, that kid would be dead right now,"

"What happened?"

"Same thing happened to him as to you, attacked with knifes and daggers. The cuts weren't as bad, but he's little. He passed out from blood loss when I got there,"

"That's terrible," i say, looking down at my hands.

"Yeah. Brady found them first and called for me. If he hadn't, I never would've found them. They had taped John's mouth so he wouldn't scream to where I could hear,"

"What's wrong with them today?" I ask. They were never this violent. Especially toward little Johnny.

"It happens every few years. They go insane, and gang together against one or two people. They just want to kill..." he whispers. "But I know how to stop it, they should be back to normal by tomorrow,"

I nod and he give a small smile before exiting the tent to regather himself. He closes the flaps and zips it up on the outside. I sigh and lay down again. At least I'm alone for awhile. I could have some time to think or draw. I sneak out and grab my notebook before running back into the tent. I sit on the bed and started drawing. I have two things to draw today. The first - Pan saving me from the boys. I put in as much detail as possible. The second - him saving John. I didn't see it, but I can imagine what it looked like. I've done this forever. Some of the pictures I didn't remember drawing, and what they showed confused me, but I guess I'll never know. I finish and start to free draw a bit, but Pan comes in, dropping some clothes on me.

"That should last you the week," he says. I sort through it.

"Um...Where's my pajamas?"

"I don't know what you sleep in!"

"Booty shorts and an over sized sweatshirt," I say. He sighs and nod, leaving the tent. He comes back and gives them to me, zipping the flaps and locking it from the inside.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"It's late. We're going to bed,"

"Well, go out so I can change,"

"Actually - Your punishment is never leaving, and I have to stick to my normal schedule. My schedule doesn't include standing outside of my tent for 5 minutes,"


"Skylar, do you really want to protest with me right now?" He threatens.

"No..." I mumble.

"Don't worry, sweetheart, I won't look," I nod and he turns the other way. I take off my t-shirt and slip on the sweatshirt. I take my bra out from under it and take off my leggings. When I make sure he ins't looking, I change my thong into a pair of regular underwear. I slip on my shorts and tell him he can turn around. What I didn't realize was he changed, too. He had his shirt off and was in a pair of shorts. He had a 6 pack. His defined arms were shown off when he doesn't have that wretched shirt covering his toned biceps.

"Enjoying the view?" he asks. I snap out of it.

"Maybe I was. Have a problem?" I say, sassily. He laughs, shaking his head slightly. I'm glad the mood lighted up a bit.

"Not at all," He turns out the lamp that was lighting up the tent and climbs in his bed.

"Pan. Where am I sleeping?" I ask him.

"Just climb in," he says.


"Just get in my bed,"

"You want me to sleep with you?"

"Unless you want to sleep on the dirt floor," I sigh. I climb up on his bed and press my back against his. I start drifting off, but I can't fall asleep completely. I felt Pan's back move in a steady rhythm with each of his breathes. I tried to close my eyes, but I still couldn't. The boys make a lot of noise at night. They play closer to Pan's tent than mine. I finally fall asleep about 45 minutes after Pan did.

He's a Hero to me. (A Peter Pan - OUAT - story) Where stories live. Discover now