{chapter twenty nine}

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Skylar's POV

My eyes slowly peel open. Peter was gently shaking me. I open my eyes fully and look up to him.

"Hm?" I hum.

"You might want to get up, baby. I'm going to need you to look after the boys tonight anyway, so you have to get up,"

"What's tonight?"

"Tonight's the night I get my heart," I smirk with him. I sit up, holding the blankets to me.

"Then I guess later tonight we can celebrate," I say. He leans in and kisses me.

"Of course. We could have a celebration every night. For eternity," he mumbles against my lips. I smile and pull away.

"Mmkay. Enough for now, babe," I say.

"Come on, Sky... one little round..."

"No. Now get out so I can get dressed,"

"You know you can just use magic to poof clothes on, right?"

"Right..." I say, before doing it. The same one as yesterday, but instead of heels, flats. I move to the mirror that was sitting on the desk and fix my makeup. Peter comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, kissing my neck. I gently push him off before walking outside. He follows. A couple boys still stare at me with dropped jaws. Peter kisses my neck again.

"I gotta go. About to get my heart, babe," he mumbles. I smile and pull away slightly to kiss his lips.

"Good luck," I whisper. He smiles and talks to Henry before they walk off into the forest.

I start the fire in the pit and sit back as the boys play. Brady sits next to me.

"What's up with you?" He asks.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you're not the sweet little firecracker I fell in love with anymore,"

"Well people change Brady. And I changed for the better. I'm more powerful. I'm braver. I'm a leader. And honestly I couldn't care less if you loved me anymore. I'm with Pan! I'm in love with someone else and that's always how it's going to be," I snap.

"You called him Pan..."

"What're you talking about?"

"You haven't called him Pan since you lost the competition. It's always been Peter,"

"So what? It's his name. Peter Pan. I say either one,"

"You don't love him, do you?"

"Of course I do. He's loving, sweet, caring. And at the same time he's powerful, sassy, and displays amazing leadership. Meanwhile my other options are 5," I say, pointing to John. "Ugly," I say, pointing to Chuck. "Pervert," I say, pointing to Tyler. "Shy," I say, pointing to Boyd, "Felix, - enough said-" I add, pointing to him. "And Desperate," I say, pointing at him.

"You're not the same. You're just a spoiled bratty slut," he spits, getting up.

"I'm a slut?!" I scream.

"You're tents made of fabric! It's not like we can't hear everything that goes on in there!"

"So what? It's not like I'm sleeping with every kid in camp! It's only Peter!"

"Well just look how you're dressed! You barely have a shirt on!"

"This is how Peter like it, and it's not like any one can see anything,"

"Peter's the biggest perv on the island! Of course he likes it like that! Just break up with him! Go back to our plan! Get off the island together! You have magic now! We can do it!"

"I'm not breaking up with him! And I want to stay! Don't you get it?! I like it here! I'd like it much better if you got away from me and stopped being a clingy little bitch!"

"You're not the Skylar I fell in love with..."

"So what? It's not like I ever would've like you back. I even friend zoned you to your face and you still try. That's pathetic,"

"I'm not as pathetic as I guy who has to have sex every night to keep a girl around,"

"I stay for a hell of a lot more than that,"

"Oh come on! You stay because he's the only one who'll f*ck you,"

"I stay because he's loving. He's sweet. He's flawless. He's powerful. He's a leader. He's an amazing man. So what if there's a little evil in his heart? It's just sexy,"

"Come on, Sky! Anyone else at camp would be better for you!" I see Peter flying towards camp. Flying. I smile.

"I wouldn't talk about your leader like that, Brady..." I warn.

"I don't care! You shouldn't be with that son of a bitch!" Peter lands behind him.

"What was that, Brady?" He asks. Brady whips around fast.

"P-Pan!" He stutters.

"Get in your tent before I decide to rip your head off your body," he snaps. He nods and sprints back into his tent.

"Now how would my little angel like to fly to my spot with me?"

"I'd love to, babe," I say. He scoops me up in his arms and flys away.

He's a Hero to me. (A Peter Pan - OUAT - story) Where stories live. Discover now