{chapter five}

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Skylar's POV

We get to the cove and I go to a place on the beach near the water.

"Can't you just not look and do a spell so I can't leave the area?"

"Sweetheart, I came to keep an eye on you, which includes watching you," I groan and unbutton my blouse. I slip off my jeans, too. I turn away so my back is facing Pan and unhook my bra. I take it off and toss it behind me. I get in, still in my underwear. I complete my entire shower, trying to avoid facing Pan - but sometimes that just didn't work out. At one point I completely forgot he was there and turned so I was facing straight at him. I heard him gasp slightly and snap my head up, suddenly realizing what I did. I cover my chest, feeling my face warm. His cheeks had a pink tint on them that I could see from here. I turn back around and finish washing quick. I cross my arms over my chest and get out. I grab my robe and put it on fast. I go to grab my clothes, but Pan has them in his hands.

"Pan, Give em," I say.

"All you go to do is come and get them," he says with a smirk. I groan and walk up to him. He holds them above his head. I jump up to get them, but miss and crash against his chest. He wraps an arm around me and keeps me there. He tosses me clothes to the ground and picks me up. I resist, but he walks to a place where if I'm dropped, I'll fall into the deepest waters - where the mermaid swim. I gasp and grab onto his shoulders, wrapping my legs around his waist.

"Pan! Let me get dressed," I whine.

"Aw, what's the fun in that?"

"Pan - I want down,"

"Really? You want to go swimming with the mermaids?" He asks with a smirk on his face. He moves one hand from supporting me, to barely touching my back.

"You know that's not what I meant. Please Pan?" I ask.

"I don't know..." He says, snarkily.

"Pan. I don't know what's going on in your little perverted mind, but you need to let me get dressed. And you know the mermaids will kill me," He takes one hand off me, causing me to grip on tighter.

"I'll let you get dressed, if you play a game with me,"

"No! I know your games," I say. He removes the other, causing me to wrap my arms tightly around his neck, clutching on for dear life.

"Pan please!" I plead, holding on tight. He takes one of my arms off him. I start panicking  and nuzzle my head into his neck trying to get close to him so I wouldn't fall. He starts working on getting my legs off of him with his free hand.

"Okay, okay! Just don't drop me!" I yell, panicking. He smiles, and walks over to safe ground. I slowly climb down from him.

"What game?" I ask. I turn my back to him and put on my bra as he explains.

"Well, we have a competition. Winner gets 3 wishes the looser has to grant. But, I'll be fair. We each get to set one boundary the other one cannot cross if they get the wishes. So, what's your boundary?"

"You can't wish for sex of any kind. Not normal, not oral, nothing," I say.

"Okay, fair enough. you can't wish for anything that might help you get off the island,"

"Um. No. Mine had details, and was specific. Yours has to do the same,"

"No, it doesn't. You could've said 'nothing romantic' but your boundary is set, and so is mine," He says, as I pull on my jeans.

"Fine. What kind of competition?"

"Best two out of three. We can agree on one, then we each pick another,"

"Fine. I pick hide and seek,"

"I pick archery,"

"You know I stink at archery,"

"Well, too bad, sweetheart," I groan and pick up my blouse.

"So agreeing... foot race?"

"I'm fine with that. Well do that first. And I'll let you have the advantage of letting yours go second," he says, smirking.

I roll my eyes and focus on my shirt. I start to button it and Pan makes me start walking back to camp with him. When we get back, He starts the competition. He makes Felix run to the beach.

"First one to the beach wins. Felix will be there to see,"

"Ready, set, go!" Tyler calls. I start sprinting toward the beach. Pan is slightly in front of me. I pick up the pace. But, I can't run that fast forever, I have to slow back down. My legs were burning but Pan still beats me.

"Pan - 1. Skylar - 0," Pan brags. "Next up, hide-and-go-seek,"

"Bring it,"

"I'll hide. You have to find me within an hour," Pan says. "Just give me 5 minutes to hide,"

"No! I wanted to hide!" I protest.

"Fine. We'll flip a coin," pan says, rolling his eyes. Felix flips it, covering the result.

"Heads," I call. It was tails.

"I'm hiding,"

"I'll still win,"

"It's on," He runs into the woods and after 5 minutes, I start looking for him.

He's a Hero to me. (A Peter Pan - OUAT - story) Where stories live. Discover now