{chapter thirty}

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Skylar's POV

I laugh and giggle as we fly through the air. Neverland was beautiful from up here.

"Peter, wait!" I say. He stops and floats for a second.

"Can we stay like this? Look at this view. It's amazing..." I asks. He nods and flies to a different angle so I can see more. I smile. Why did I want to get away from here? A loving boyfriend, an beautiful island... It was amazing. Peter repeatedly kisses my forehead before continuing to fly to the cherry tree clearing. Well, that's where I thought we were going. He flies past it.

"Babe? Where are we going?" I ask.

"To what I call, my thinking tree," he says. We land at a huge tree. Possibly one of the biggest ones on the entire island.

"Woah," I say. He smiles.

"This used to be a pixie dust tree. This - This is where I abandoned my boy," he says, holding up a small box.

"What's that?"

"This? It's my boy. All boxed up so he can't get in the way," He sets it on the ground. "And now we use it as bait," he says, pulling me back into the bushes. We hide where we have a clear view of the box.

"What's the plan?"

"There's a spell on that tree. When activated, it'll hold people with their own regrets. So, when the Charming's gang comes, they'll all be tied. Every single one of them has so much to regret, no matter how heroic they look. Then, while they're occupied here, I go finish Henry off, and the heart will be mine forever. While I'm doing that, you keep an eye on them. But don't let them lay an eye on you," he says.

"Evil. I like it..." I say, smiling. He laughs a bit, but then goes back to watching.

"And Peter. I've been reading about the heart of the truest believer and I had some questions..." I say.

"Okay-" he's cut off by a stick snapping.

"He's not even here," I hear. I look to see a pissed off Regina.

"But what we need is," Emma says. She goes to pick up the box, but Pan casts the spell and they're all tied by the vines on the tree, and pulled to it. Peter smirks and hops out, swiftly picking up the box. I watch as the scene plays out, all of them struggling, Peter being snarky - until Regina breaks free. She plunges her hand into his chest and I slap my hand over my mouth. I felt the tears burn my eyes as she pulls out a heart, glowing with magic. Peter falls, catching himself on all fours. I couldn't let this happen.

I stood up, thrusting my hand at Regina and firing magic at her. I wasn't thinking. I didn't know what spell to do. It was just magic, with no task. It hit her, and sputtered away. She laughed. It made me angrier. I fire at her again, this time with a task. The magic hits her, and it blows her back. She lands on her back, her head smacking the ground. Snow tried an arrow on me. I easily knock it away. I was pissed. I was not letting them get away with letting Peter die and allowing the brat of a boy to live. Peter was weak. He needed the heart.

I walk up to Regina, taking it out of her grasp. Emma gets mad and fires at me. I land on my back, smacking my head just like Regina did. She tries to come to me, but I fire the same spell right back at her. She stumbles against the tree, and it ties her up. Snow attacks. I blink Peter and I out before she can reach me. We were at the cherry trees. I hand him the heart, which he shoves into his chest. He smiles and hugs me, pulling me on the ground and cuddling with me on the dirt floor. The happiness doesn't last long. I forgot the box at the tree, and the dark one makes an appearance.

He's a Hero to me. (A Peter Pan - OUAT - story) Where stories live. Discover now