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Haerin watched as Y/n walked past her once more.

Y/n was cold and careless.

Not in the reckless way, but in the keeping to themselves way.

"Captain, I heard Haruto is injured! We are so winning the next game," Jake-ssi excitedly informed Y/n.

Y/n gave Jake their signature handshake and celebrated a bit with the rest of Jake's boys.

- Haerin POV -

"Maybe I should say 'hi' for once?" I thought to myself.

I watched as Y/n and the rest of the basketball team ran around the school to celebrate their recent win against Minji unnie's school.

"Move out of the way you freak!" Someone suddenly pushed me across the hall.

It was Jay.

I tried not to wince in pain, knowing he enjoyed to watch me suffer.

"Why can't you ever just stay home? No one needs a freak like you at their school," Jay stepped up to whisper in my ear.

"Come on, Jay! Leave her alone," Y/n suddenly came out of nowhere to pull Jay away from me.

Jay gave me a smirk and the pair took off running again.

I let out a deep sigh of relief.

Y/n had unknowingly saved me again.

I was used to being bullied by Jay and his friends by now, but it was always heartwarming to see that Y/n hadn't entirely forgotten about me...

Or at least still cared about me in some way.

- Y/N POV -

"I'm starting to think you like her or something," I smugly told Jay.

"Please, she's a fucking weirdo. Maybe one day she'll get it through her head to act normal!" Jay hissed under his breath as he threw his free shot.

I never really understood why Jay picked on Kang Haerin so much.

It almost seemed like he spent more time around her than with the team.

"Alright, Listen up team!" Coach suddenly blew his whistle and everyone ran over to stand on the sideline.

"Rainy season is upon us. I don't want to see anyone slacking off. Be prepared and make sure to always have your umbrellas," The coach informed the team... with a quick knowing glance in my direction...

Almost everyone knew about my hatred for rain. Some knew why and others found it to be a childish fear...

Still, I tried not to pay much mind to the teasing that came with it.

"Understood?" Coach asked the team.

"Yea," The whole team mumbled.

"I can't hear you!" Coach yelled.

"Yes, sir!" The team yelled in unison.

"Good. Dismissed!" Coach blew his whistle one last time.

The whole team headed over to the locker room to get ready to leave... and the teasing started....

"Y/n-ssi, it's about that time of the year where you have to start hiding your mermaid superpowers!" Jeno began to tease.

"Should we sing you a special song to make the rain go away?" Ni-Ki followed along.

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