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Haerin didn't know what to talk about with Y/n. She wanted to catch up and see where they both were in life...

But unfortunately,

At least when it came to Y/n...

Haerin had no idea how to start up a conversation.

She just ended up saying the first thing that came to her head.

- Y/N POV -

"I heard Oppa ask you when you are going to get married. Does that mean you are seeing someone?" Haerin suddenly asked.

I chuckled at her ridiculous question.

It didn't even seem like she had any idea what she was asking.

"No. No. I'm not seeing anyone. He's just worried because I haven't dated anyone since Karina," I answered in amusement.

"Are you seeing anyone?" I tried to keep the conversation going.

"No, I've only ever liked one person my whole life. I think even if I ever got the chance to be with them... I would never marry them..," Haerin gave me a small smile.

"Why n-"

"Ooowww!!!" I was about to ask something when my ear suddenly started ringing.


A distorted sound was banging in my ear.

"Oouuchh!" I saw Haerin cover her ears to the side of me.

"Are you alright?!" I asked once the screeching in my ear suddenly stopped.

"Yeah, are you?" Haerin asked with a heavy breath.

"Yeah, what the hell was that?" I asked a bit confused, looking around the room.

"I don't know. All I could hear was something about a '6-year promise'," Haerin covered her ears a bit again.

"Same," I answered a little confused.

I looked around the room to see if others felt the same discomfort but, oddly enough, no one else seemed really bothered about what had just happened.

"Huh? Must have been someone testing a mic backstage or something," I tried to figure out a reason for what had just happened.

"Yeah, maybe," Haerin breathed out.

"Umm, how about a dance?" I asked, hoping to distract us both from whatever had just happened.

"Yeah, I'd love that!" Haerin suddenly got really shy.

- Haerin POV -

My heart was racing like crazy as Y/n held me close.

I hadn't been in Y/n's embrace for over 3 years. It almost felt nostalgic. Like if I had spent my whole childhood running into Y/n's arms.

"I've missed you," Y/n suddenly whispered.

"I missed you too," Y/n whispered back.

"So? Who's this one person you've ever loved? Do I know them?" Y/n suddenly became curious.

I pulled away slightly, as we danced, to look Y/n in the eyes. "Yes, you know them," I softly answered.

Y/n put on a funny face to pretend like they were thinking and asked... "Is it Yoongi?"

I started to laugh.

"No!!" I shook my head in amusement.

"Danielle?" Y/n raised an eyebrow.

I shook my head again.

"Who is it then?" Y/n gave me a wide smile.

"It's you," I was finally brave enough and old enough to confess my lifelong crush on Y/n.

"Me?" Y/n's cheeks suddenly turned red.

"Yes, You. I've had a crush on you since we were younger," I explained.

"How come you never told me this?" Y/n looked me in the eyes.

Y/n's eyes looked soft and wide. They almost looked like they were sparkling.

"I don't know. Something told me it was better not to," I was entranced by Y/n's eyes, as we continued to dance.

"Plus, I never thought I had a chance with you," I shyly looked down at my feet.

I felt really shy and embarrassed to have shared one of my biggest secrets, but it felt like I had to say...

Before it was too late.

"Who said you never have a chance with me?" Y/n suddenly lifted my chin up with their finger.

My heart suddenly sank to my stomach.

Our eyes locked for a second. I loved the way Y/n was looking at me... but I knew I had to look away eventually...

I was about to turn my head to the side...

When Y/n suddenly stopped me and pressed their lips against mine.




"I DO!"







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