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The day after the storm, everything felt a bit different for everyone.

Karina was getting this odd feeling like she no longer wanted to date Y/n, Yoongi felt like he should do everything to be in Y/n and Haerin's life, Haerin felt like she shouldn't get closer to Y/n, and Y/n...

Y/n felt like they were missing more things than one.

More things than just their parents and older brother.

- Y/N POV -

I woke up to the sound of someone ringing on my doorbell. I ignored it for a bit, thinking it was just solicitors or something, but whoever it was was stubborn.


"Ugghh," I groaned in annoyance.

I looked over to the side of me and saw Haerin peacefully sleeping. It had taken me a long time to get her to fall asleep. So, I didn't want anything to wake her up.

I got from the bed and walked over to the front door.


Whoever it was had switched over from abusing my doorbell to knocking on the door.

"Who is it?!" I angrily opened the front door.

I was shocked to find 4 girls around my age at the door. Most importantly, I was shocked to find one girl in particular at the front door.

 Most importantly, I was shocked to find one girl in particular at the front door

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"Minji-ssi?" I was a little confused.

Minji was sort of like Karina's rival. She was the student body president and the head cheerleader at her school.

Karina always thought that Minji had a crush on me, but I couldn't see it. Minji just seemed kind of nice.

"That's not Haerin," A short girl suddenly leaned over to whisper to Minji.

"Umm, how can I help you?" I awkwardly asked the group of girls.

"We're looking for our friend Haerin. The fire chief said she lived here," A girl with a really pretty smile answered me.

"Oh, yeah," I answered all confused.

For one, I didn't think that Haerin had friends. Two I didn't know the fire chief could just give out my address like that... and lastly...

Somehow, I felt like I already knew the girls.

Maybe it was because some of the girls were on our rival school's cheer team, but that didn't fully explain it either.

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