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Life was moving fast.

Y/n had started college and Haerin had started to look into her own future when one of Yoongi's friends scouted the girls into an idol agency.

Everyone was growing up fast and drifting apart because of life.

It was nothing new and it was all normal, but Y/n and Haerin couldn't seem to feel like life was missing something.

- Haerin POV -

"Where's Y/n?" Oppa asked as he put my bags into his car.

It was move-in day.

My friends and I had somehow managed to get scouted into an entertainment agency. After a few months of training, it was finally time for us to debut.

Y/n was sad that I was leaving the house, so they had gone to the boxing gym to distract themselves.

"The gym," I answered Oppa.

Oppa gave me an odd look, before continuing what he was doing.

"Okay! Let's go!" He suddenly exclaimed.

I closed the front door behind me and I felt this suffocating feeling wash over me.

"Y/n will be alright. Don't worry too much!" Yoongi Oppa yelled from the car.

It was almost like he knew what I was feeling

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It was almost like he knew what I was feeling.

- Y/N POV -

"1,2, 1-1-2! Urghhh!!" I was frustrated.

I was trying to distract myself from the fact that Haerin was leaving the house.

"URGH!!!" I angrily tossed my gloves at the heavy bag.

I had started boxing again to distract myself from the fact that Haerin wasn't going to be home anymore.

I was trying to cope with the fact that I'd be all alone again.

But today, I couldn't focus. I had this heavy feeling in my heart. It felt like this was the last time I'd ever see her.

"Coward!" I scoffed under my breath.

A part of me felt like I needed to say one last thing to Haerin, but the other part of me was telling me that there was nothing to say.

We were two different people in the end.

We weren't that close, but we were more than friends.

Haerin had turned into family.

She was the one person who had kept me grounded this whole time.

Haerin was the only one to make me feel like my life wasn't as abnormal as others thought. She knew what it felt like to be all alone. To have to fend for yourself with the little skills you have. To have to trust the people around you just to get by another day.

"I don't want to be alone again," I started to tear up.

- Karina POV -

"I don't want to be alone again
Baby can you hold my hand....,"

"Why do you always have to play sad music?" I asked Yoongi a bit annoyed.

I knew the answer to my question already, but I just found it a bit much.

"You already know," Yoongi glared at me.

I sighed and looked over at Haerin sleeping. I then looked over at Y/n and hoped that somehow Yoongi was right.

"Y/n might be sad somewhere. The music might help them cope," Yoongi always said.

Yoongi had this crazy idea that Y/n might be able to hear things or somehow feel how we all felt. He believed that if he played music that Y/n could use to express themselves then they wouldn't feel so trapped where ever they were.

It was a silly theory, but it made sense.

Y/n was always one to speak through music or let music speak for them.

I always just hoped that Yoongi Oppa was right.

If Y/n needed a reason to cry out there or they needed to understand why they were crying.... then I didn't mind the music too much...

"Y/n?" Haerin suddenly shuffled in her seat.

Haerin had been sleeping way too much lately. She would only wake up when one was in the room. The only way we could even tell she was alive was by the way she tossed and turned in her sleep.

"I- I don't wanna b-be alone again," Haerin mumbled in her sleep.







Author's Note: Ever fallen asleep with the tv/music on and it shapes part of your dream? *~*

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