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"Why did you leave me?" Y/n asked.

Y/n always wondered why their bother left them behind.

How could someone you love so much just leave you behind to chase their dreams? How could you mean so little... that the person you thought understood you the most.... would abandon you because you were hindering their own dreams...

- Yoongi POV -

I choked on my saliva.

I had no answer for what I did. I had no real excuse as to why I just got up and left one day. I didn't even know what made me break down like that.

"Can I come in?" I asked once more.

I had stopped by during the weekend and tried to get inside the house, but it seemed like Y/n had changed the door lock to prevent unwelcome guests.

"Okay," Y/n finally let me in.

I had brought some fried chicken and a few drinks to watch a movie with Y/n and Haerin... but it seemed like Y/n was already a bit drunk without me even trying...

"You're still a student. You shouldn't be drinking," I scolded Y/n.

Y/n just glared at me and chugged on their water bottle.

"Oppa, I like this movie!" Haerin cutely exclaimed as she picked her favorite movie of all time.

The movie started and Y/n was quiet the entire time.

"Want another drink?" I leaned over to ask about 15 minutes into the movie.

Y/n took a deep breath and then yawned. "No, I should probably go to sleep," Y/n answered.

"NOO!" Haerin quickly wrapped her arms around Y/n.

- Y/N POV -

I was annoyed.

I knew Yoongi would do this.

It was the most painful thing to act as if my brother's actions didn't affect me, but somehow here I was.... allowing him to be part of my life....

I didn't know why or how but for some reason it felt right. It felt like Yoongi needed to be in my life...

Or at least in Haerin's life.

I always felt somewhat responsible for my brother's actions.

I always felt like I was the one to force him to have epiphanies when we were together.

That shit felt horrible.

To have to look at your sibling... and... hope that one day... they'll understand what you're saying... they'll realize the reality of things on their own.... to have to contain yourself because you didn't want to expedite the reflection process of your sibling...

That shit sucked.

I always wanted Yoongi to own up for what he did. I wanted him to be a good brother. I knew he could be a good brother, but I couldn't force him to act in a way he wasn't ready to.

I just had to let him be.

Most of the time, I wanted to just be as far away from him as possible.

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