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The day of the partner project presentation had come and gone. Y/n had stopped talking to Haerin after that.

It was like they were strangers again.

The nightmares and odd echoes in their heads had stopped.

Everything had gone back to normal.

- Y/N POV -

It had been a month since I last talked to Haerin. Everything had gone back to the way it used to be.

Jimin wouldn't get jealous anymore, Jay tried not to tease Haerin, and I was as lonely as ever.

Still, every so often, I walked past Haerin's street just to make sure she was okay.

I was doing my weekly walk-through of Haerin's neighborhood when I suddenly saw a huge ball of smoke coming from near Haerin's house.

I rushed over a bit concerned...

And was shocked to see Haerin's place engulfed in flames.

"Holy shit!" I whispered under my breath.

I could hear sirens approaching and I saw all the neighbors out on the street.

"What happened?!" I asked a nearby shop owner.

"I don't know," The shop owner answered me.

"It's weird because I don't think anyone lives in there," what appeared to be the shop owner's wife told me.

I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"What?" I asked.

"I mean some kid lived in there at some point but I haven't seen her in a while," The shop owner answered.

"Did Haerin move?" I thought to myself.

"For how long?" I asked really confused.

"I don't know. A couple of years," The wife answered me.

It was then that I realized, no one knew that Haerin lived there.

It also dawned on me that she could still be in there.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed in frustration and ran into the fire.

I quickly realized that it was a really bad idea to run into a place I had no idea about the layout of.

I saw stairs leading up somewhere and followed them up.

There was a huge ball of flames engulfing what looked like a kitchen.

Suddenly, I noticed someone passed out on the floor.

It was Haerin.

I quickly ran up to her and used all the strength I had to lift her up in my arms.

The smoke was catching up to me.

I started to feel dizzy myself, but I managed to run out of the building.

Somehow, the emergency responders had still not arrived and I was forced to give Haerin CPR.

I pumped Haerin's chest a few times and went in to give her mouth to mouth...

But suddenly...,

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