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Y/n nervously watched as the crowd flooded in.

Y/n didn't actually like playing sports or being put on display for other people to enjoy. Y/n just used basketball as a coping mechanism.

Secretly, Y/n wished they had been a boxer or a track runner. Life seemed much easier when you were pushing yourself to your limit.

- Y/N POV -

I felt super uneasy about the game.

"You okay?" Jimin suddenly caught my attention.

"Yeah," I answered a bit distracted.

Yoo Jimin didn't look too convinced.

In all honesty, I wasn't okay. I didn't feel okay and everything seemed blurry.

"She'll be okay," Karina suddenly held up my chin.

"Just because he treats you like that, doesn't mean he'll treat her like that," Karina whispered to me.

I furrowed my brows a bit confused.

"Don't give me that look, I know you care about her more than you're willing to admit," Jimin caressed my cheek.

I tightened my jaw at the sudden comment.

"She's not that special," I huffed out.

"She is special. Why do you keep denying that?" Karina forced me to look her in the eyes.

I turned my gaze away from her again...

Suddenly, the crowd got really loud and my ears started to ring.

"She's more than you see. Why can't look at her the way she sees you?" Karina's voice felt distorted.

"Huh?" I asked a bit confused.

"She's special," I saw Karina mouth.

It felt like I was having a panic attack.

I could hardly breathe and my vision felt slow. I looked over to the crowd and my heart started racing even more.

"Y/n!!" Coach suddenly yelled.

I wasn't sure how time how slowed down the way it did.

"Stop flirting with your girlfriend!" Coach kept yelling, but it felt so slow.

My sight suddenly focused on somebody in the crowd...

Kang Haerin...

And the ringing in my ear started up again.

I tried to shake the ringing out, but as I did that, I noticed that Haerin looked uncomfortable. She looked like she felt uncomfortable in the crowd. Maybe even like the noise level was too much.

"LLEEETTSSS GOOO!!" Karina yelled on a megaphone.

I didn't even realize that the pregame show had started.

I looked over at Haerin and she was covering her ears.

"Does hitting yourself count?" Suddenly echoed through my ears.

I don't know what came over me, but it felt like I should maybe check up on my older brother too. So, I gave in and looked over at Yoongi...

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