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Yoo Jimin suddenly felt the need to use the bathroom during class. It wasn't a usual occurrence for her. She could usually hold it until the end of class....

But this time it was different.

- Karina POV -

I was headed to the bathroom, when I suddenly saw Y/n and Haerin in the hall.

They were hugging.

A part of me wanted to ignore them and just let them be, but the other side of me... the other side of me... wanted to pull them away from each other...

Although it felt wrong, the other side won.

"Y/n-ah!" I raised my voice in the hall.

I wasn't even jealous.

There was just something that told me Y/n and Haerin shouldn't get too close. 

"Yeah?" Y/n looked at me confused.

"I should get to class," Haerin seemed to understand my intentions.

Haerin wasn't always aware of what was going on, but the more I spent time around her. The more I realized that she knew just how to handle Y/n's behavior.

It was odd.

When I learned she was autistic, I expected like a clueless idiot that had a hard time with people. A person who maybe couldn't understand social cues....

But she understood more than I thought.

Kang Haerin wasn't all there, but when she was....

It was kind of odd.

Like she knew just what to do, at the right time, and just how to do it.

"Okay, come eat lunch with us, okay?" Y/n's eyes were glistening.

"Oh no, I know that look," I thought to myself.

As Haerin walked away, I quickly stepped up to pull Y/n's chin towards me.

"Hi, beautiful!" Y/n gave me those loving eyes I adored so much.

"Hi, baby," I pecked Y/n's lips.

"What are you doing out?" Y/n asked.

I giggled a little and was about to answer, when I suddenly forgot why I was out.

"I just missed you!" Suddenly came out of my mouth.

My words felt like a lie, but it sounded right.

I really couldn't even remember why I was even out of class.






Author's Note: Shortest Chapter of my life  >.<

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