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"The seizures are starting up again! Get the doctor!" Yoongi yelled.

Karina ran out of the hospital room to the doctor, while Haerin just blankly stared at Y/n.

"I just wanna die," Y/n thought to themselves.

It was painful.

To be unconscious and conscious at the same time was hell.

Y/n could hear Haerin crying every second of every day.

All Y/n wanted to do was die and let Haerin rest.

To Y/n, Haerin was the most precious thing in the world. Even if Y/n could no longer remember the real beginnings of their relationship... Y/n could still feel how hard they fell for Haerin...

"Haerin, just let me go," Y/n could feel a tear rolling down their cheek.

"Huh?" Yoongi looked confused when he saw their dongsaeng cry for the first time in a year.

- Y/N POV -

"Haha, I think Haerin should wear your jersey this time!" Jimin giggled.

Haerin and I froze for a second.

"Haerin? Why Haerin?" I asked a bit confused.

Karina just shrugged and said... "I think she'll look cute in your jersey!"

I furrowed my brows and looked over at Haerin. Kang Haerin quickly avoided eye contact and I felt even more uneasy about the suggestion.

"That's kind of weird, don't you think? I mean, people might get the wrong idea," I answered a bit worried about what people might think.

"Umm," Jimin didn't look like she knew how to answer my question.

"It's okay. I don't want to wear it," Kang Haerin suddenly spoke up.

"See!" I exclaimed.

"I think, if she wears your jersey then people will see how serious you are about protecting her. Haerin is very important to you after all. Letting her wear your jersey will solidify that," Karina suddenly cupped my face.

I looked over at Haerin and sighed.

"Fine," I groaned out.

It wasn't so much that I didn't want Haerin to wear my basketball jersey. It was that too many odd things had been happening around her.

I didn't want Haerin to jinx the game.

- Haerin POV -

The day of the game had come around and Y/n couldn't understand why I didn't want to wear their jersey.

"I don't want to!" I yelled at Y/n in frustration.

The fabric of the jersey was something I wasn't used to. It felt really uncomfortable.

"Why not?!" Y/n was frustrated with me too.

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