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For the next few days, Y/n realized that they were the only one to remember the real past. Haerin just kept thinking it was all a dream or make-believe stories Y/n was telling her.

Y/n knew they had to find a way to get Haerin to remember...

Or at least...

Find a way for them to be together again.

- Y/N POV -

Getting Haerin to fall in love with me again was a bit harder than I thought.

Haerin had become an idol and she was really busy. I had to work a lot too, but I didn't mind it. At least, I didn't use to mind it.

"Are you sure she's coming?" I anxiously asked Yoongi.

After the hospital, Haerin had to go on tour.

I was actually really proud of how much she had achieved in both realities.

It seemed like since Haerin wished for everything to be different. A lot of things had changed.

For one, she was lower on the spectrum than before. Which meant she didn't need me as much. She didn't need anyone really.

And even when she did, Haerin had learned her own ways to cope with things.

She didn't need anyone as she was fully independent the whole time.

I never dated Yeji. Karina and I didn't break up because of Haerin, but because of Jeno. Although, in my own reality... I had a feeling that Karina had cheated on me with him...

I never moved schools because Haerin and I never dated. I didn't box, I didn't get into a car accident, and I never lost my memory.

It was more like I gained memories...

Memories that weren't true in this reality.

But I knew, I knew I wasn't crazy. I knew Haerin had wished for all of this.

For a moment...,

I had wished it too.

It made me wonder if we were both to blame for this alternative reality we were both living in.

"Come on. When is she coming? You said she'd come!" I started to get impatient.

I had convinced my brother to invite Haerin and the girls on a beach trip again. I had also convinced him to invite his friends, Karina, and Eunwoo.

I wanted to jog Haerin's memory as best as I could.


Suddenly, a bus stopped in front of us and a bunch of people ran out.

It was all the girls.

"There they are!" Yoongi exclaimed.

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