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After seeing how happy Haerin was with her friends, Yoongi decided to help her transfer schools.

Yoongi felt like it was better for Haerin to be with her friends than with Y/n...

Who was currently too depressed to be trusted with Haerin's care.

The process didn't take too long. Because of Yoongi's status in life and his family's history with the education board, Haerin was immediately accepted for a transfer.

- Y/N POV -

I was a little bummed out that Haerin was starting up at a new school, but it felt like the better option.

At least I didn't have to worry about Haerin getting bullied. Her friends looked like the type to not take anyone's shit.

"Here, fix your tie," I stopped Haerin before she could walk out to the car.

Yoongi was taking Haerin and all the girls to school to celebrate Haerin starting something new.

"You don't even fix your own uniform. Why are you telling me to fix mine?" Haerin sassed me.

"Alright," I let it go.

"No," Haerin suddenly grabbed my hands.

"Fix it for me," She palaces my hands on her tie.

I smiled at her cute gesture and fixed up her tie.

Haerin looked up at me the entire time. Her eyes were making me distracted. "Do you want a kiss or something?" Suddenly came out of my mouth.

I had no idea why I had said that, but Haerin smiled widely and nodded.

"Really?" I asked a bit embarrassed.

Haerin nodded again and I stepped up to kiss her forehead.

"If anyone bothers you, tell them your older siblings will come beat their ass. Okay?" I pinched her cheek a little.

"Okay!" Haerin giggled.

I sighed and gave her a forced smile, before letting her go.

I didn't like the feeling I was getting. It almost felt like I was getting separated from Haerin, but I knew it was what was best for her.

I waved Haerin goodbye as she got into the car and went along to my own school. When I arrived, I received a text.....

Yoongi (Brother)

She looks so happy!

I smiled at the photo brother had sent me and put my phone away

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I smiled at the photo brother had sent me and put my phone away.

As I walked into school, I saw Karina hanging out with Jeno.

They both looked in my direction as I walked into school alone.

"It's going to be a long day," I sighed out.

- Haerin POV -

My first school day at my new school was so fun.

I really liked going to school with my friends, but I missed seeing Y/n's smile around the halls.

"How was school?" Yoongi Oppa asked as I got in the car to go back home.

"It was good!" I answered.

"Are you sure?" Oppa asked.

I turned to look at him a bit confused.

"Yeah," I answered.

"Then why are you crying?" He asked.

I furrowed my brows and raised my hands to touch my eyes.

There were tears rolling down my cheeks.

I hadn't realized I was crying. I didn't know why I was crying. All I knew was that something suddenly felt missing in my life.

It felt like someone had taken something from me...

Or maybe someone.







Author's Note: Why was Haerin crying? :(

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