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Y/n was up all night thinking about all the memories they never got to live with Haerin in this timeline.

Y/n kept thinking about how much Haerin made them smile when they were younger, how much they loved to see Haerin get all excited for the silliest thing, and just about everything that meant a lot to them.

"Why did she have to make that stupid wish?" Y/n thought to themselves.

- Haerin POV -

"Alright, we're all done filming so feel free to do whatever you want!" Managernim told us.

We had been filming all day. It was a bit exhausting, but I was excited to get to spend some time with Yoongi Oppa. Maybe even Y/n too, if they weren't acting weird.

"Hey, where's Y/n?" Minji unnie asked Yoongi.

"Umm, I don't know. Maybe out on the beach?" Oppa shrugged.

Minji unnie thanked him and then headed to the backyard to see if Y/n was out by the ocean. I followed along just to make sure Y/n was okay.

"Ah, there's Y/n!" Unnie exclaimed.

I looked out to the beach and found Y/n doing suicide drills by the shore.

"That looks fun!" I squealed without thinking and ran down the stairs to join Y/n.

"I'm coming too!" Unnie ran behind me.

I was too excited as I ran onto the beach to realize that I didn't have proper footwear on. My feet quickly started to hurt and I ran back to the base of the stairs.

"Ooww," I squeal to myself.

"Haerin-ah, are you okay?!" Y/n suddenly came running to check on me.

Y/n kneeled down at my feet and started dusting the sand off my feet. "Does it hurt? Why aren't you wearing socks or sandals? You know your feet are sensitive. Don't be so careless," Y/n looked a bit frantic.

"I'm alright," I tried to respectfully kick Y/n's hand off me.

"Here, put my sandals on," Y/n suddenly offered me their sandals.

"It's okay. I can get my own," I started to feel a bit embarrassed.

Y/n was kind of treating me like a kid.

"Don't lie to me," Y/n suddenly stood up to look me in the eyes.

"You know I hate it when you lie to me about how you feel. You don't always have to burden yourself with all the weight you carry," Y/n coldly stated.

I gulped at the sudden sternness in Y/n's voice. Yet, oddly enough, I felt a random sense of relief. I had no idea why but I just did.

"If you don't want my sandals then let me carry you," Y/n turned to face their back towards me.

"C'mon, I'm not going to let your feet touch the sand. I promise," Y/n bent down a bit.

I turned to look at Minji unnie and she just shrugged.

It was common knowledge that I struggled quite a bit at times, but I had never been treated like this. I wasn't sure if I should feel offended or thankful that someone finally offered me help.

"C'mon, Kitty. Y/n-ssi won't let you fall. I promise," Y/n cutely encouraged me.

I giggled a bit at the fact that Y/n referred to themselves in the 3rd person.

"Okay," I shyly responded before jumping on Y/n's back.

- Minji POV -

It was kind of cute how Y/n was carrying Haerin all around the beach. They were running around and teasing Haerin that they were going to drop her into the water.

Haerin had never told us about this side of Y/n.

Haerin just kind of saw Y/n as a really kind person who minded their own business and didn't let life get to them.

With the way Haerin explained Y/n, it sort of just felt like they were good friends or just great roommates...

But seeing it in action made me feel like maybe I didn't stand a chance.

"Minji, look at the dolphins over there!" Y/n suddenly yelled.

I looked at the director they were pointing out and it was a beautiful sight to see.

"Woooahh!!" I was really surprised.

"I wish they were closer," Y/n giggled out.

"If they don't come to us, then we'll go to them!" Y/n exclaimed and took off running with Haerin on their back.

"Woah, Y/n's fast!" I thought to myself.

"Y/n-ssi, stop!!" I could hear Haerin yelling back at Y/n as I watched her hit Y/n's back repeatedly.

The pair didn't end up catching up to the dolphins but somehow ended up falling on the sand.

"Ahhh, you're promised you wouldn't drop me!" I heard Haerin squeal.

I couldn't hear what Y/n responded, but I watched as Y/n suddenly hovered over Haerin and got really close to her face.

I blinked for just one second and they were suddenly kissing.

- Haerin POV -

"Oh, I've missed this!" Y/n chuckled a little.

I felt nervous as Y/n moved closer to me. I could feel the warmth of their body radiating. Y/n was looking at me with those eyes...

"I've missed you," Suddenly escaped my mouth.

"I've missed you too," Y/n suddenly leaned in to press their lips against mine.

"Y/N!!" I gasped for air.

"Woah, Relax! Y/n's okay!" Yoongi oppa and Karina unnie suddenly ran at me.

"What? What happened?" I asked a bit confused.

"It looks like you were having a bad dream," Unnie informed me.

"Dream?" I asked even more confused.

Karina unnie just nodded.

I looked around the room and I realized I was in the hospital.

"It's a good thing you woke up. I was starting to get really worried," Oppa exhaled deeply.

"Yeah girl, you've been sleeping for over 12 hours!" Unnie giggled a little.

"Sleeping?" I thought to myself.

"But Y/n...?" I spoke out loud.

"Y/n's fine. See," Yoongi oppa turned to look at the hospital bed in the room.

I shut my eyes out of pure fear and pain.

I had forgotten that Y/n was in the hospital. My dreams just felt so real that I almost thought we had made it.

I thought we had gotten to live our lives for longer than we actually had.

"Please, let me say goodbye!" My ear suddenly started ringing.








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