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While Haerin realized the gravity of her wish, Y/n was settling into their new reality. Though remanence of their true timeline was still left, it didn't do anything but hurt Haerin.

"Hey, Unnie!" Haerin yelled as she ran down the stairs to catch up with Minji.

"Huh? What is it Haerin-ei?" Minji was a little concerned that Haerin looked a little agitated.

"Today is Y/n's match, right?" Haerin was trying to find any excuse to get close to Y/n again.

In this timeline, after Y/n and Haerin kissed, Y/n passed out and got rejected by Haerin. That caused Y/n to give Minji a chance. Which meant that Y/n and Haerin never interacted unless it was because of Minji.

"Y/n?" Minji was surprised that Haerin left our honorifics.

"I mean Y/n-ssi," Haerin corrected herself.

Minji was still confused as to why Haerin didn't refer to Y/n as an athlete but she brushed it off.

"Yes, today is the match. Why?" Minji felt a little odd.

"Can I come?" Haerin asked.

Minji was thrown off by Haerin's actions.

"Why?" Minji asked a bit skeptical.

It wasn't that Minji didn't want Haerin to go to the match. It's that Haerin had always denied invitations to the matches because of how loud and rowdy everyone got.

"I just- I've never been. I thought I'd go see one before the championship," Haerin quickly made an excuse.

Haerin was aware of both timelines.

The one she had wished for...

And the real one.

"Are you sure? It gets kind of barbaric at times," Minji wasn't sure if Haerin could handle it.

Haerin wasn't much for watching people get hurt. She was a bit of a sweetheart.

"Mhm, I just want to support Y/n-ssi!" Haerin cutely nodded.

Minji furrowed her brows again but said nothing besides... "Alright. Let's go!"

- Haerin POV -




Seeing what Y/n's life would've come out to without me was a bit surprising.

Y/n only started boxing after I left home. They were so good that they ranked 1st in the nation in less than 3 years.

Y/n went on to become a national athlete and represented the whole nation.

Unlike how the story really went.

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