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The next morning, the house was filled with the aroma of warm food.

Yoongi was in the kitchen cooking breakfast for his dongsaeng and what felt like his new little sister.

It was a pleasant morning.

"Oppa!" Haerin squealed the second she walked out of her room in the morning.

"What are you doing here so early?" She kept jumping up and down in excitement.

"I never left," Yoongi patted Haerin's head.

"You convinced Y/n to let you stay?!" Haerin squealed out of happiness.

Yoongi giggled at her cute behavior. He had almost forgotten how adorable Haerin was.

"More like I was too drunk to leave. So, Y/n helped me out," Yoongi answered a bit embarrassed.

"So, I'm making breakfast to make up for being such trouble," He followed.

"Cared to help me wake Y/n up for breakfast?" Yoongi placed his hand on top of Haerin's head.

Haerin cutely nodded and skipped her away over to Y/n. 

- Y/N POV -

"Y/N-SSI!!" It suddenly felt like the wind got knocked out of me. 

I thought I had died in my sleep of something. Until I noticed that Haerin was on top of me and giggling.

"Ow, what is it?" I could barely speak because of how hard she landed on me.

"Oppa made breakfast. Wake up!" She suddenly crawled up to face me.

I gulped out of nervousness.

Haerin was oddly making my heart flutter.

"Umm, yeah- Okay," I nervously responded.

I was about to get up to brush my teeth when Haerin suddenly rested her head on my chest. "I feel so happy today," she whispered.

She looked so peaceful.

She even had this rosy red tint on her cheeks.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Yeah, I like having you and Oppa in my life," Haerin exhaled out deeply.

It almost felt like she was really relaxed.

"I like having you in my life too," I gently stroked her back.

Haerin suddenly snuggled up into the crook of my neck and I had no other choice but to wrap my arms around her so she wouldn't fall off the sofa.

I felt really relaxed all of a sudden.

It almost felt like I was about to fall back asleep.

"WE-WE HAVE AN I-INCREASE IN VIT-ALS AGAIN!" I suddenly felt a ringing in my ear.


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