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Everything around stopped and turned grey. The only color left in the room was the image of Haerin and Y/n kissing on the dance floor.



A big random wavelength flooded the room and the only color left was unfroze in an instant.

"Haerin!" Y/n gasped out as they pulled away from Haerin's lips.

"Y/n!!" Haerin did the same.

Y/n frantically looked around the room. They had no idea what was going on, but they had this drowning feeling suffocating them.

Y/n turned around to look at Haerin and they finally understood.

"Why did you do it?" Y/n's eyes began to water.

"WHY DID YOU WISH THAT?!" Y/n raised their voice.

"WHY DID YOU WISH WE NEVER MET?!?" Y/n began to cry.

Haerin finally realized what she had done.

"You- you must have w-wish for it so badly... that you made it happen!" Y/n was ready to break down to their knees.

"It was what was best for us," Haerin's eyes were filled with tears themselves.

"NOOOO!!" Y/n screeched in pain.

"I never wanted this!!" Y/n dropped to their knees.

"You lost all our memories. All those memories and all those feelings. WHY DID YOU HAVE TO REWRITE HISTORY?!" Y/n got up to scream at Haerin's face.

Haerin calmly placed her hands on her ears and calmly stated... "You don't need to yell."

"I know. I know. I'm sorry!" Y/n pulled Haerin into their arms.

"Why did you do it?" Y/n cried as they held Haerin tightly in their arms.

"I wanted you live!" Haerin cried out.

"Silly Frog, I don't want this. I want a life with you. I want every second we spent together. I want all the good and the bad. I want our 6-year promise. Please... I don't want this..," Y/n begged as they held Haerin without a thought of ever letting her go.

"I don't want you to die. Please, I rather live like this than for us to have ever happened," Haerin begged back, digging her nails into Y/n's back.

She didn't want to let go either.

"All those times my heart was tugging in your direction, I always wondered why something pulled me away each time. Now, I know why," Rivers of tears were flooding the couple's eyes.

"It was for your protection. I didn't know it at the time, but I felt it too!" Haerin cried out.

"You silly silly baby. You didn't have to do this. Did you think I wouldn't find my way to you eventually? You can't rewrite our history. I will always love you. In every timeline of our lives. I will always find my way to you," Y/n sniffled as they let go of Haerin.

"I can see that," Haerin sniffled as she reluctantly let go.

Haerin and Y/n stood there for a second, just crying and looking at each other.

Y/n suddenly stepped up and didn't hesitate to kiss her.

Y/n didn't know what came next, but they didn't want to miss the chance to kiss their wife one more time.

We Never Happened | Haerin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now