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3 years had gone by....

Haerin had become a successful idol and Y/n had gone into the gaming industry, just like their brother.

It almost felt like the longest, yet fastest, years of their lives.

"You said she'd be here," Y/n coldly questioned Yoongi.

It was the night of the Gaming Gala and Yoongi had invited Haerin to join him, and Y/n, at the event.

Haerin only agreed to attend the event if Y/n attended to.

"She'll be here. Just wait," Yoongi hissed at Y/n.

Y/n was as annoying as ever.

Having someone in your life that didn't care, yet cared so much, was a bit exhausting.

"There she it!" Yoongi suddenly exclaimed.

- Y/N POV -

"Woah!" I thought to myself

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"Woah!" I thought to myself.

Haerin had become as famous as ever and she looked absolutely gorgeous.

"She looks different, doesn't she?" Yoongi suddenly elbowed me.

"Not really," I shrugged.

It was true.

Haerin didn't look any different.

It just looked like she knew how to handle herself. She looked more confident than when we were younger.

"Y/n-ssi!!" Haerin suddenly caught sight of us and ran straight into my arms.

I looked at brother a bit confused and he nudged me to give her a hug back. I was just about to hug Haerin-ssi back when she suddenly pulled away.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get makeup on your suit!" Haerin cutely started to pat on my suit jacket.

"It-it's alright," I nervously responded.

"Why am I nervous all of a sudden?" I thought to myself.

"It's probably because we haven't seen each other in a long time," I tried to reason with myself.

"Oppa!" Haerin hugged Yoongi as well.

"Hello Frog, have you forgotten about us already?" Brother teased her.

"Nuh-uh, you two are my favorite people in the world!" Haerin cooed at us.

"See here Y/n, Ms. World tour thinks we're the best people in the world!" Yoongi elbowed me.

"Yeah, yeah," I sassed him before turning to walk into the event.

"Crumpy," I heard Brother whisper to Haerin.

"Like always!" Haerin giggled out.

"I heard that!" I exclaimed.

- Haerin POV -

I felt really nervous seeing Y/n again.

It almost felt like I had forgotten about them for a bit, but in a good kind of way.

It almost felt like I was meant to say away from them. Like us being together in anyway was not something natural.

Maybe being away for so long was a good thing.

"How about her?!" I heard Yoongi Oppa tease Y/n.

"Nope!" Y/n looked as uninterested as always.

"How about her?" Yoongi Oppa seemed to be annoying Yoongi for his own amusement.

"Hey, isn't that your crush!" Y/n suddenly teased back.

"No," Oppa's face suddenly turned serious.

"Wow, maybe I'll ask her to dance!" Y/n chuckled a bit.

"Find your own!" Oppa suddenly started to walk away from our table.

"No, thanks!" Y/n yelled back.

"You gotta get married at some point. You better marry fast!" Oppa yelled back as he walked over to a group of people.

Y/n suddenly fell silent and I had to awkwardly sit there.

I still wasn't very good at starting up conversations, so I was struggling a bit to the find the words to make the tension go away.

"So, you're getting married?" Was the first thing that I could think of.

"Huh?" Y/n looked at me really confused.









Author's Note: Headspace / Head in Space   .-.

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